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Thomas E. Love, Ph.D., is a Professor of Medicine, Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. He is is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and has wide experience with applying and teaching statistical methods.
He is a past Chair of ASA’s Health Policy Statistics Section, and of the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics. He is an Associate Editor of The American Statistician, and has served as Editor of Health Services Research & Outcomes Methodology, and as chair of a NIH special emphasis panel on statistical methods. Dr. Love has led courses at clinical and statistical meetings on propensity scores, on cluster randomized trials and on related topics in causal effects, for which he has won numerous teaching awards, and has given multiple workshops for the ASA.
He also serves as Chief Data Scientist (and was the founding Data Director) for Better Health Partnership, a collaborative of primary care providers, hospitals, health systems, and those who pay for and receive care in Northeast Ohio providing transparent information on care and outcomes for over 190,000 adults living with chronic disease.
PhD in Statistics, 1994
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
MS in Statistics, 1992
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
MS in Mathematics Education, 1990
Teachers College, Columbia University
MA in Mathematics Education, 1989
Teachers College, Columbia University
AB with a concentration in Mathematics, 1988
Columbia College, Columbia University
I teach the following courses at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Fall 2017: PQHS / CRSP / MPHP 431 Statistical Methods in Biological and Medical Sciences, 1
Spring 2018: PQHS / CRSP / MPHP 432 Statistical Methods in Biological and Medical Sciences, 2
Spring 2018: PQHS / CRSP 500: Observational Studies
2017-01-01, Hugo Academic Theme Conference
A regional health improvement collaborative: Data center at external_link
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This is a brief guide to managing content with the Academic framework. Content can include publications, projects, talks, and news/blog articles. After you have read this guide about creating and managing content, you may also be interested to learn about writing content with Markdown, LaTeX, and Shortcodes.
Content can be written using Markdown, LaTeX math, and Hugo Shortcodes. Additionally, HTML may be used for advanced formatting. This article gives an overview of the most common formatting options.