432 Syllabus for Spring 2024


Thomas E. Love




This is the Spring 2024 syllabus for PQHS / CRSP / MPHP 432: Data Science for Biological, Medical and Health Research II, taught by Professor Thomas E. Love.

Working With This Document

  1. This document includes multiple sections. Use the table of contents to navigate, and the search box as needed.
  2. A PDF download of this document is available by clicking the Acrobat icon next to the title at the top left of the screen.
  3. The document will be updated occasionally through the semester.

Who, When and Where?

  • The course instructor is Professor Thomas E. Love.
    • Email him at Thomas dot Love at case dot edu if you have any questions before class.
  • The course is given on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:15 PM Eastern Time, in Room E321-323 in Robbins Hall, within CWRU’s School of Medicine, starting on 2024-01-16.
  • The main course website is at https://thomaselove.github.io/432-2024/
  • There are eight teaching assistants helping with the course this semester.
    • The Teaching Assistants will hold regular office hours over Zoom, and the schedule for these sessions will be found on the Contact Us page and the Course Calendar.

Outside of class, general questions about course materials are best asked through our Campuswire Discussion Forum or in Teaching Assistant Office Hours. The Getting Help section of this syllabus provides some additional resources.

Contact Information

Professor Love’s email is Thomas dot Love at case dot edu. Professor Love’s office at CWRU is on the ground floor of the Wood building (in the WG-82 Suite), specifically WG-82J. Email him if you need an appointment, either in person or via Zoom.

  • If you have any unique concerns about the course, need special accommodations or have any other issues you want to discuss with Professor Love specifically, please email him directly.