Course Calendar



All class sessions will be held from 1:00 to 2:15 PM in Room E321-323 on the third floor of the Robbins building at CWRU’s School of Medicine.

Readings come from:


Class Day Date Additional Information
Class 01 TU 2024-08-27 Getting Started (TEL 1-2)
deadline W 2024-08-28 Lab 0: Welcome to 431 Survey due at noon
Class 02 TH 2024-08-29 Data Visualization and Summary (TEL 2-3)
reading by Class 3 Spiegelhalter: Introduction and Chapter 1
R4DS: Introduction and as much of “Whole game” as possible
skim through the Project A instructions


Class Day Date Additional Information
Class 03 TU 2024-09-03 Data Wrangling (TEL 4)
deadline W 2024-09-04 Minute Paper 09-04 due at noon
Class 04 TH 2024-09-05 Comparing Paired Samples (TEL 5)
reading by Class 5 Spiegelhalter: Chapters 2 and 3
R4DS: remainder of “Whole game” (Sections 1-8)
get going on Project A Data work
Class 05 TU 2024-09-10 Comparing Independent Samples (TEL 6)
deadline W 2024-09-11 Lab 1 due at noon
Minute Paper 09-11 due at noon
Class 06 TH 2024-09-12 Transformation (TEL 7)
reading by Class 7 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 5
R4DS: “Visualize” sections, especially sections 10 and 11
finish the Project A Data work and start the Plan.
Class 07 TU 2024-09-17 Comparing Multiple Groups (TEL 9)
deadline W 2024-09-18 Lab 2 due at noon
Minute Paper 09-18 due at noon
Class 08 TH 2024-09-19 Transformations and One-Factor ANOVA (TEL 10)
reading by Class 9 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 7
R4DS: Sections 16 (Factors) and 28 (Quarto)
Complete the Project A Plan: due Wednesday!
Class 09 TU 2024-09-24 Association and Correlation (TEL 11-12)
deadline W 2024-09-25 Project A Plan due at noon
Class 10 TH 2024-09-26 Simple Linear Regression (TEL 11-12)


Class Day Date Additional Information
reading by Class 11 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 8
Class 11 TU 2024-10-01 Two-by-Two Tables (TEL 13)
deadline W 2024-10-02 Lab 3 due at noon
Minute Paper 10-02 due at noon
Class 12 TH 2024-10-03 Larger Two-Way Cross-Classifications (TEL 14)
reading by Class 13 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 9
get started on Project A Analyses
Class 13 TU 2024-10-08 What’s wrong with Statistical Significance, 1 (TEL 15)
deadline W 2024-10-09 Lab 4 due at noon
Minute Paper 10-09 due at noon
Class 14 TH 2024-10-10 What’s wrong with Statistical Significance, 2 (TEL 15)
Quiz 1 out to students at 5 PM
reading by Class 15 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 10
15 TU 2024-10-15 Adjusting for a covariate (TEL 16)
deadline W 2024-10-16 Quiz 1 due at noon
16 TH 2024-10-17 Covariate Adjustment in Simpler Models (TEL 17)
M 2024-10-21 CWRU Fall Break - TA office hours canceled.
TU 2024-10-22 CWRU Fall Break - no 431 class, and TA office hours canceled.
reading by Class 17 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 11
complete most of the Project A Portfolio report
17 TH 2024-10-24 Ask Me Anything / Project A Help Session
reading by Class 18 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 12
18 TU 2024-10-29 Regression Using Two Quantities (TEL 18)
deadline W 2024-10-30 Project A Portfolio due at noon
Minute Paper 10-30 due at noon
19 TH 2024-10-31 Two-Factor Analysis of Variance (TEL 19)


Class Day Date Additional Information
TU 2024-11-05 Election Day - no 431 class.
(TA office hours will be held.)
deadline W 2024-11-06 Lab 5 due at noon
20 TH 2024-11-07 Multiple Linear Regression, 1 (TEL 20)
reading by Class 21 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 13
21 TU 2024-11-12 Multiple Linear Regression, 2 (TEL 20-21)
deadline W 2024-11-13 Project B Plan due at noon
Minute Paper 11-13 due at noon
22 TH 2024-11-14 Multiple Linear Regression, 3 (TEL 20-22)
F 2024-11-15 Schedule for Project B Presentations announced
reading by Class 23 Spiegelhalter: Chapter 4
23 TU 2024-11-19 Multiple Linear Regression, 4 (TEL 20-22)
deadline W 2024-11-20 Lab 6 due at noon
Minute Paper 11-20 due at noon
24 TH 2024-11-21 Multiple Linear Regression, 5 (TEL 20-22)
Quiz 2 out to students at 5 PM
SA 2024-11-23 TA office hours canceled 11-23 through 11-30
TU 2024-11-26 Thanksgiving Week - no 431 class.
TH 2024-11-28 CWRU Thanksgiving Break - no 431 class.


Class Day Date Additional Information
SU 2024-12-01 TA office hours resume.
reading by Class 25 Spiegelhalter: rest of book (chapters 6 and 14)
25 TU 2024-12-03 Summary Case Study (also see TEL 23)
deadline W 2024-12-04 Quiz 2 due at noon
Lab 7 due at noon
26 TH 2024-12-05 Weighting (TEL 8) plus What happened here? What’s in 432?
F 2024-12-06 Project B presentations: Day 1
M 2024-12-09 Last Day for TA office hours.
Project B presentations: Day 2
TU 2024-12-10 Project B presentations: Day 3
W 2024-12-11 Project B presentations: Day 4
deadline W 2024-12-11 Project B Portfolio submitted by noon.
(Optional) Lab Regrade Request Form due at noon.

Project B presentations will be scheduled on 2024-11-15, and held over parts of four days between Friday 2024-12-06 and Wednesday 2024-12-11.

  • You will be able to give your presentation either in person or over Zoom, and your total time commitment will be one hour on one of those four days.

Getting Help

Visit the Contact Us page for ways to get help in this class.

TA Office Hours

TA office hours are held via Zoom, and will begin on Tuesday 2023-09-03 and will continue through Monday 2023-12-09. Our Shared Google Drive (431 Fall 2024 Dr Love and Students) displays Zoom links for all TA office hours in a document called TA office hours schedule and Zoom links. Or see that document (pdf) here. No appointment is necessary. Please just drop in.

TA office hours will be held at the following times.

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Professor Love will also hold “drop-in hours” for 10 minutes before and for 30 minutes after each class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Office hours are canceled on 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-22 (Fall Break) and from 2024-11-23 through 2024-11-30 (Thanksgiving)

We have no scheduled TA office hours on Wednesdays or Saturdays.

Essentially all deliverables for 431 are due at noon on Wednesdays, so that’s why we have our office hours scheduled as they are.