Project A Data


Thomas E. Love, Ph.D.




Before starting your Data work, it’s a really good idea to read through:

  • this entire Data page
  • the entire Project A Plan page, and
  • the Examples material related to the Project A Plan, specifically the Project A Plan template.

Trust us. You’ll save a lot of time and energy if you do so.

1 What Data Will I Use?

Your Project A will use the 2024 version of the analytic data from County Health Rankings (CHR 2024) for most of the work1. Some prior CHR data has been part of our course, but you’ll obtain, clean and manage a new data set for Project A.

The key elements we’ll use are found in the Rankings Data & Documentation section at the County Health Rankings website, specifically the National Data & Documentation section site for the 2024 County Health Rankings. Specifically, you’ll need to download four files in order to get and use the data:

In addition, when building the Codebook as part of your Project A Plan, you’ll use this CHR 2024 Measures link to obtain further details on the variables you select.

2 Developing the Data: Data Tasks

Obtaining and cleaning your data takes a little while, but you can start at any time. First, in broad terms, here are the six data tasks you need to complete in order to build your Project A Plan.

  1. Ingest the raw data from CHR 2024 into a tibble in R called chr_2024_raw, then filter these raw data to only the counties actually ranked by CHR.
  2. In addition to Ohio, select five more states (from a set we provide) to study, so that you wind up with at least 300 and no more than 800 counties in your study. Create a new chr_2024 tibble that contains only the counties from your chosen six states (including Ohio).
  3. Reduce your data to a selection of nine variables (4 we specify below and 5 more you’ll select from options we provide), rename them in helpful ways, clean up problems, then save this smaller tibble as chr_2024.
  4. Create a new binary factor (categorical variable) from the fourth of the 5 variables you selected in the previous task, and add it to chr_2024 so it now contains 10 variables.
  5. Pull into your chr_2024 tibble data from the 2019 County Health Rankings on the fifth of the 5 variables selected in Task 3 using a data set we provide, so you can complete Analysis 3, and will now have 11 variables.
  6. Save the resulting chr_2024 tibble as an R data set with 11 variables, and you will share this new .Rds file with us as part of your Project A Plan.

3 Data Task 1. Ingest the raw data

Begin an R Project just for Project A, and create a Quarto file within that project where you will do your data development work. Working from a template, or from your own best understanding of what works well for you, start by loading the packages you’ll need, including the tidyverse and any other packages you plan to use.

You’ll use read_csv() to ingest your raw .csv file into R and call the resulting tibble chr_2024_raw. But as you do this, you’ll need to remove the top row from the .csv within your R code. You should probably look at the raw .csv in Excel or another spreadsheet system so that you know why we need to do this. To accomplish this, we’ll use the skip = 1 command within your read_csv() call.

At the same times, we’ll restrict which variables we ingest to the “raw value” versions of the main CHR variables, so that we focus only on variables we plan to actually consider using. This requires a select() statement after the read_csv() to pull in the variables we’ll need, including several whose names end with rawvalue

Sample code follows:

data_url <- 

chr_2024_raw <- read_csv(data_url, skip = 1, guess_max = 4000,
                         show_col_types = FALSE) |>
  select(fipscode, county, state, county_clustered, year,

This code should create a chr_2024_raw tibble with 3195 rows (observations) and 90 columns (variables).

To complete Task 1, you’ll need to augment the code above to restrict the chr_2024_raw data to include only the 3088 rows which have “county_clustered” values of 1, since the other rows will not be used by us in this project. At the end of Task 1, your chr_2024_raw tibble should have 3088 rows (counties) and 90 columns (variables).

4 Data Task 2. Select six states

Now we’ll filter the chr_2024_raw data into a new tibble called chr_2024 which contains the 300-800 rows (counties) you will actually study in your project.

Your selection must include six of the states listed in the Table below, including:

  • the 88 counties of Ohio, and
  • all of the counties in five additional US states
  1. You will need to write a sentence or two in your Project A Plan describing the reason for your selection of states, so you should have one.

  2. Don’t forget to filter in Task 1 so that only those rows with county_clustered values of 1 are included. Otherwise, your counts won’t match those shown in the table below.

  3. The table excludes Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont because they have fewer than 20 ranked counties or are missing meaningful data on key outcomes.

4.1 Table A. States You Can Select

The number of counties (with county_clustered values of 1 in CHR 2024) in each state (specified using its two-letter postal abbreviation) is listed below, for your convenience.

state State
state State
state State
AL Alabama 67 MD Maryland 24 OK Oklahoma 77
AR Arkansas 75 MI Michigan 83 OR Oregon 36
CA California 58 MN Minnesota 87 PA Pennsylvania 67
CO Colorado 59 MO Missouri 115 SC South Carolina 46
FL Florida 67 MS Mississippi 82 SD South Dakota 62
GA Georgia 159 MT Montana 48 TN Tennessee 95
IA Iowa 99 NC North Carolina 100 TX Texas 244
ID Idaho 43 ND North Dakota 51 UT Utah 28
IL Illinois 102 NE Nebraska 79 VA Virginia 133
IN Indiana 92 NJ New Jersey 21 WA Washington 39
KS Kansas 104 NM New Mexico 32 WI Wisconsin 72
KY Kentucky 120 NY New York 62 WV West Virginia 55
LA Louisiana 64 OH Ohio 88 WY Wyoming 23

Remember to select six states (including OH) yielding a total of 300-800 counties.

  • For example, one possible combination would be IN (92), MD (24), NJ (21), OR (36) and WA (39) with OH (88) yielding exactly 300 counties.
  • another possibility would be GA (159), TX (244), IL (102), MN (87) and KY (120) with OH (88) yielding exactly 800 counties.

After making your selection, and filtering the data, you should have a tibble called chr_2024 which contains all of the 300-800 counties in your six states, and 90 columns. Be sure that the state variable is now a factor variable, rather than just a character variable in your tibble.

5 Data Task 3. Select analytic variables

Next, you will select exactly nine variables (columns) from the 90 you should have at the start of Task 3. These nine variables must include the following four:

fipscode the five-digit FIPS code for the county, which will be a convenient ID variable that is distinct for each row in your tibble
county the name of the county, which will be useful for labeling and identifying the counties
state a multi-categorical (with 6 levels) variable of two-letter postal abbreviations for your six selected states (as mentioned above, this should be a factor in R)
county_clustered tells us whether the row should be included in our data
(all rows should have county_clustered == 1)

This set of four variables will then be followed by five variables that you will select from Table B, below.

5.1 Variables for Each Analysis

Each of the variables you select should be of some interest to you on its own, in terms of either providing a health outcome of interest, or potentially providing useful information about a feature of the county that might relate to that health outcome. As part of the selection process, you should be developing appropriate research questions that lead to the identification of smart measures of interest (from those available) for predictors and outcomes in our Analyses. See the Project A Plan page in these instructions for more on creating appropriate research questions.

You must select five different variables from Table B, as described below.

  1. Variable 1 will be your outcome for Analysis 1. It should be a measure describing some aspect of a community’s health, rather than a demographic characteristic. Variables listed in Table B as Analysis 1 or 2 (predictor) should not be used as outcomes for either Analysis 1 or 2. As a result, you will be choosing one of these 20 variables for your Analysis 1 outcome:
    • v001, v002, v009, v011, v036, v042, v044, v049, v050, v060, v067, v070, v125, v127, v136, v139, v140, v143, v155, or v166.
  2. Variable 2 will be your predictor for Analysis 1, so the relationship between variables 1 and 2 should be of interest to you.
    • You can select any of the 30 variables in Table B for your Analysis 1 predictor.
  3. Variable 3 will be your outcome for Analysis 2. Like variable 1, it should describe some aspect of a community’s health, rather than just its demographics.
    • You can select any of the 20 variables eligible to be your Analysis 1 outcome as your Analysis 2 outcome.
  4. Variable 4 (after you categorize it, later) will be your predictor for Analysis 2. Again, the relationship between variables 3 and 4 should be of interest.
    • You can select any of the 30 variables in Table B for your Analysis 2 predictor.
  5. Variable 5 is your Analysis 3 outcome, which you will compare to its CHR 2019 value in the County Health Rankings data. This is restricted a bit more, and Table B shows 10 options for Analysis 3.
    • These 10 options are: v009, v011, v036, v042, v049, v060, v070, v127, v139, or v143.

Remember that each of your five selections must be a different variable.

5.2 Information to help select and build a codebook

The 2024 CHR Technical Document file (PDF), and the 2024 Data Dictionary file (also PDF) are crucial here, as those are the ones that explain what the available variables mean, and how they should be labeled.

  • In building your codebook for the Project A Plan, you will also need look up each measure you select at this CHR 2024 Measures link, so now would be a good time to do that, as well.

5.3 Table B. Variables You Can Select

You will select five different variables from the list in Table B of variables in the CHR 2024 report.

  1. The listing “v001” in Table B refers to the variable named “v001_rawvalue”, and _rawvalue should be similarly appended to each of the other variable codes.
  2. There are many vXXX_rawvalue variables in the CHR data which we don’t include in the list below, for several reasons, but usually because of substantial missing data.
Variable Brief Label from CHR Analyses Cleaning Requirements
v001 Premature death 1 or 2 Divide by 100 to represent losses per 1000 population. Don’t use v127 in same analysis.
v002 Poor or fair health 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v009 Adult smoking 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v011 Adult obesity 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v023 Unemployment 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v036 Poor physical health days 1, 2 or 3 OK as is.
v042 Poor mental health days 1, 2 or 3 OK as is.
v044 Income inequality 1 or 2 OK as is.
v049 Excessive drinking 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v050 Mammography screening 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v053 Proportion ages 65 and older 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v057 Proportion female 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v058 Proportion rural 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v059 Proportion not proficient in English 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v060 Diabetes prevalence 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v063 Median household income 1 or 2
Divide by 1000 to represent income in thousands of dollars
v067 Driving alone to work 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v070 Physical inactivity 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v085 Uninsured 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v125 Air pollution - particulate matter 1 or 2 OK as is.
v126 Proportion non-hispanic white 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion. Also, see note below.
v127 Premature age-adjusted mortality 1, 2 or 3 OK as is. Do not use in same analysis as v001.
v136 Severe housing problems 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion.
v139 Food insecurity 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion.
v140 Social associations 1 or 2 OK as is.
v143 Insufficient sleep 1, 2 or 3 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v151 Gender pay gap 1 or 2
OK as is.
v155 Flu vaccinations 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v166 Broadband access 1 or 2 Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
v168 High school completion 1 or 2
Multiply by 100 to describe percentage, rather than proportion
  • The variable v001 is very tempting to use an outcome. That’s OK, but be sure to consider the use of v127 as an outcome if mortality interests you. Do not use v001 and v127 in the same Analysis.
  • A serious look at the impact of race/ethnicity is beyond the scope of Project A. If you are interested in studying race and ethnicity and their impact on a health outcome, we suggest using v126, (or its inverse, 1 - v126), to incorporate this dimension as a predictor. This is because there’s more variation in the v126 data across the reported counties than other variables describing race or ethnicity.
  • The brief label from CHR column in Table B are shown in the first (deleted in R) row in the raw .csv file for 2024, and are also specified in the 2024 CHR Data Dictionary PDF file.
  • A key issue for developing these variables is correctly specifying the units of measurement (note that the indexes don’t have units) so that you should be careful to note that in selecting your variables.

5.4 Clean and Rename Your Selected Variables

Find each of your five selected variables in Table B, then do what is suggested in the Cleaning Requirements section of Table B as part of your data development work for that variable. All of your selected variables should be renamed (and it would help also to apply clean_names() from the janitor package) so as to have descriptive and maximally helpful variable names.

Use the (cleaned and renamed) version of each variable in your work going forward.

  • For example, if you have decided to use as a quantitative variable something like v009_rawvalue, which is about adult smoking, you should rename the variable v009_rawvalue to adult_smoking in your tibble.
  • If you plan to use the variable as your categorical predictor, you should still make the appropriate change to the original quantitative version as indicated in Table B.

6 Data Task 4. Create a factor for the Analysis 2 predictor

Create a new categorical variables (factor) based on your fourth variable, and add this new factor to your chr_2024 tibble. You’ll also retain the original (quantitative) version of this variable, so your tibble will now have 10 variables. I’ll describe the three steps here, and then show some sample code.

  1. Divide the values in your variable 4 into three groups, as follows:
    • values in the lowest 40% of your sample’s observations (the low group)
    • values in the middle 20% of your sample’s observations (the middle group)
    • values in the highest 40% of your sample’s observations (the high group)
  2. Create a new factor which has two levels, low and high (although you can use other labels if you prefer), based on your three-level categorization, and treats the rest (middle group) as missing.
    • This should yield (from your original set of 300-800 counties) between 120 and 320 counties having the low level, 120-320 having the high level, and 60-160 missing values in the new factor variable.
  3. Add the resulting (binary) factor to your chr_2024 tibble.

Here’s some sample code for these three steps.

To establish our cutpoints, we should look at the 40th and 60th percentiles of the existing data for our planned predictor for Analysis 2, which I’ll call varXXX.

chr_2024 |>
  summarise(q40 = quantile(varXXX, c(0.4)),
            q60 = quantile(varXXX, c(0.6)))

Suppose those results were 7 and 12. Then we want to create a three-level variable where values of 7 and lower will fall in the “Low” group, and values of 12 and higher will fall in the “High” group2.

chr_2024 <- chr_2024 |>
  mutate(varXXX_grp = case_when(
    varXXX <= 7 ~ "Low",
    varXXX >= 12 ~ "High")) |>
  mutate(varXXX_grp = factor(varXXX_grp))

This should result in a varXXX_grp variable being in your chr_2024 now, where about 40% of our subjects in the High group and about 40% in the Low group, with the rest now listed as missing, and the varXXX_grp variable is now a factor. So you’ll want to demonstrate that all of those things are true in your case.

  1. If you have any missing values (there won’t be many) in your variable 4, those values should be listed with the missing group in your new factor.
  2. If v009_rawvalue (about adult smoking) is to be your categorical factor for Analysis 2, then you should include both the original quantitative value (renamed adult_smoking_raw) and your categorical variable that you’ll actually use in analyses, which should be named something like adult_smoking_cat or adult_smoking_grp.

7 Data Task 5. Add data from CHR 2019 for your Analysis 3 outcome

The data in the 431-projectA-chr_2019.csv file on our 431-data repository should be used to pull in the data from CHR 2019.

Assuming you have placed the 431-projectA-chr_2019.csv file in your R Project directory for Project A, then the following code should pull in the information you’ll need into a tibble.

chr_2019_raw <- read_csv("431-projectA-chr_2019.csv", 
                         guess_max = 4000, 
                         show_col_types = FALSE)

chr_2019_raw <- chr_2019_raw |> 
  mutate(fipscode = as.character(fipscode))

Now, create a tibble called chr_2019 containing just two variables: the fipscode and the variable you’re using as your Analysis 3 outcome. Just substitute in the appropriate value for XXX in the code below.

chr_2019 <- chr_2019_raw |>
  select(fipscode, vXXX_rawvalue)

Next, join together your chr_2024 data and this new file by levels of fipscode, using the left_join() function from the dplyr package:

chr_2024 <- left_join(chr_2024, chr_2019, by = "fipscode")

Now look at your result, and rename the two versions of your Analysis 3 outcome to be something like adult_smoking_2024 and adult_smoking_2019.


Across all of the states you might have selected back in Data Task 3, each of these variables has information for 2,958 ranked counties in CHR 2024. However, 14 counties were ranked in CHR 2024 but not in CHR 2019. When we join the data in CHR 2024 to the data in CHR 2019, there are 14 counties with missing CHR 2019 data on these variables.

The affected states are: CO (1 county with missing CHR 2019 data), ID (1), KS (2), MS (1), MT (2), ND (2), NE (1), OR(1), SD (1), TX (1) and UT (1).

As a result, depending on what states you selected, this joining may or may not produce missing values in your CHR 2019 version of the Analysis 3 outcome.

7.1 Sources and Years for CHR 2019 Variables

County Health Rankings data for variables reported in CHR 2019 eligible for use in Project A Analysis 3 are listed below, with their descriptions, including the source and year(s) in which they were gathered. Please incorporate this information into your codebook.

Similar information for CHR 2024 variables is found at this link, and should also be placed in your codebook.

Variable Brief Label from CHR Source Year(s)
v009 Adult smoking Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016
v011 Adult obesity CDC Diabetes Interactive Atlas 2015
v036 Poor physical health days Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016
v042 Poor mental health days Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016
v049 Excessive drinking Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016
v060 Diabetes prevalence CDC Diabetes Interactive Atlas 2015
v070 Physical inactivity CDC Diabetes Interactive Atlas 2015
v127 Premature age-adjusted mortality CDC WONDER Mortality Data 2015-2017
v139 Food insecurity Map the Meal Gap 2016
v143 Insufficient sleep Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2016

8 Data Task 6. Re-order variables and save the final chr_2024 tibble

Revise the chr_2024 tibble to arrange your final tibble’s 11 variables in the following order:

  1. fipscode,
  2. state,
  3. county,
  4. your selected (and renamed) variable 1 (Analysis 1 outcome),
  5. your selected (and renamed) variable 2 (Analysis 1 predictor),
  6. your selected (and renamed) variable 3 (Analysis 2 outcome),
  7. your binary factor describing variable 4 (Analysis 2 predictor),
  8. your original (quantitative version) of variable 4,
  9. your selected (and renamed) variable 5 (from CHR 2024),
  10. your selected (and renamed) variable 5 (from CHR 2019),
  11. the county_clustered variable (whose values must all be 1)

Save this final chr_2024 tibble with 11 variables as an R data set (.Rds file) in your R Project, with the file name chr_2024_YOURNAME.Rds. You will share this file with us as part of your Project A Plan. If you like, you can store this .Rds file in a data subdirectory within your R Project.

  1. There are several ways to rearrange columns in a tibble, including the select() and/or relocate() functions from dplyr.
  2. After your cleaning is done, each row in your chr_2024 tibble should contain all of the counties within the 6 states you are studying, and no other counties should be included in your tibble.
  3. If data for some counties are missing in the raw data for one or more of your variables (and this will be true at least for your binary factor representing low and high levels of variable 4, and perhaps also for your CHR 2019 version of variable 5, and maybe even for some of your other selected variables), then these data should be indicated as missing (using NA) in the tibble.
  4. There is no need to set a seed in this process, as you are not doing anything that involves selecting a random sample.


  1. In Analysis 3, we will also use CHR 2019 as you’ll see↩︎

  2. We could have chosen to use “less than 7” and “higher than 12” as well, which would potentially have a small impact on our final groups.↩︎