432 Main Page for Spring 2024



This website will disappear shortly after June 1, 2024.


PQHS/CRSP/MPHP 432 is the second half (431 is the first half) of a two-semester course taught by Professor Thomas Love in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at Case Western Reserve University.

If you have any questions before class begins, contact Dr. Love at Thomas dot Love at case dot edu. Once the class starts, visit the Contact Us page to learn more about how to get help from us.

Getting Started

Your first six steps in this course are to:

  1. Register and enroll via the CWRU Student Information System (SIS).
    • Section 1 of PQHS 432, CRSP 432 and MPHP 432 are identical.
  2. Review this course website, and be sure to visit the Course Calendar, and skim through the Course Syllabus.
  3. You need to buy Jeff Leek’s How to be a Modern Scientist, available electronically through https://leanpub.com/modernscientist. The suggested cost is $10, but you can pay what you want.
  4. Please fill out the Welcome to 432 Survey at https://bit.ly/432-2024-welcome-survey to help us get to know you a little better. Note that you must log into Google via your CWRU account in order to access the survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete.
  5. Get started installing the software you’ll need for the course.
  6. Attend our first class session in E321-323 in the Robbins building within the CWRU School of Medicine, on Tuesday 2024-01-16 at 1:00 PM.

Everything will appear here.

Everything that Professor Love will provide to help you with the course will be linked through this website. The menu bar links to just about everything you’ll need this semester, and its elements will go live as they become available. Things you’ll find here include…

Accessing the 431 Materials

Note that the 431 class materials from Fall 2023 are here, and will remain there until 2024-06-01.