3  Professor Love

Thomas E. Love, Ph.D.

3.1 A More Complete Biography

Hi. I am Thomas E. Love, Ph.D. and I have at least three different jobs.

In research, I use statistical methods to look at questions in health policy and in particular the provision of health services. I mostly work with observational data, rather than data that emerge from randomized clinical trials, and I have a special interest in working with data from electronic health records.

If you want to see a pretty complete list of my publications, knock yourself out.

I hold degrees from Columbia University in the City of New York and from the University of Pennsylvania. My dissertation adviser was Paul Rosenbaum. I am married to a brilliant woman who is an attorney at Savant Systems, and we are raising two terrific sons. The elder has graduated college and works and lives in Pittsburgh, and the younger is in his senior year at Columbia University. Both kids are in the midst of applying to graduate programs for Fall 2024. We live in Shaker Heights. I sing and act occasionally in community theater including a musical this February, do lots of puzzles and play golf when I can.

3.2 Email

  • Thomas dot Love at case dot edu (for matters related to grades or individual concerns)
  • I am available after class to chat.
  • Remember we have several ways for you to get help with the 432 course.

3.3 Name and Pronouns

  • I use he/him/his pronouns.
  • Most students refer to me either as Professor Love or Dr. Love.
  • I prefer my given name to be written “Thomas” as opposed to “Tom”.
  • Most of my friends and colleagues call him “Tom”. You are welcome to do so, as well, if that makes you more comfortable.

3.4 Web