3  Professor Love

Thomas E. Love, Ph.D.

3.1 A More Complete Biography

Hi. I am Thomas E. Love, Ph.D. and I have at least three different jobs.

In research, I use statistical methods to look at questions in health policy and in particular the provision of health services. I mostly work with observational data, rather than data that emerge from randomized clinical trials, and I have a special interest in working with data from electronic health records.

If you want to see a pretty complete list of my publications, knock yourself out.

I hold degrees from Columbia University in the City of New York and from the University of Pennsylvania. My dissertation adviser was Paul Rosenbaum. I am married to a brilliant woman who is an attorney at Savant Systems, and we are raising two terrific sons. The elder is finishing a MS in Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and the younger is in his first year of law school at Fordham University in New York. We live in Shaker Heights. I sing and act occasionally in community theater, do lots of puzzles and play golf when I can.

Thanks to Dr. Love’s recovery from a broken leg and ankle surgery, this year’s 432 class will be held remotely (via Zoom) before Spring Break, and then (mostly) in person starting March 18.

3.2 Email

  • Thomas dot Love at case dot edu (for matters related to grades or individual concerns)
  • I am available after class to chat.
  • Remember we have several ways for you to get help with the 432 course.

3.3 Name and Pronouns

  • I use he/him/his pronouns.
  • Most students refer to me either as Professor Love or Dr. Love.
  • I prefer my given name to be written “Thomas” as opposed to “Tom”.
  • Most of my friends and colleagues call me “Tom”. You are welcome to do so, as well, if that makes you more comfortable.

3.4 Web