3  Course Web Site

The main course web site is found at this link.

By the first class, this page will house links to everything we will provide, including:

3.1 Contact Information

Our main website at https://thomaselove.github.io/431-2024/ includes a Contact Us page which provides detailed information on the best ways to get help from Professor Love and the Teaching Assistants during the semester.

  • The course Teaching Assistants will hold regular office hours, starting in early September and running through early December, over Zoom, and the schedule for these sessions will be found on the Contact Us page and the Course Calendar.
    • Once the semester begins, questions about course materials are best asked through Campuswire or in TA Office Hours, over Zoom.
  • Professor Love will arrive 10 minutes before each class, and stay afterwards, as well, to discuss any student concerns appropriate to that setting.
    • Professor Love’s office at CWRU is on the ground floor of the Wood building (in the WG-82 Suite), specifically WG-82J. Email him if you need an appointment, either in person or via Zoom.
  • If you have any unique concerns about the course, need special accommodations or have any other issues you want to discuss with Professor Love specifically, please email him directly (Thomas dot Love at case dot edu) and he’ll respond as quickly as possible.