NHANES Codebook

In support of Labs for 432


Thomas E. Love, Ph.D.



R Packages and Setup

nh_1500 <- read_rds("https://github.com/THOMASELOVE/432-data/raw/refs/heads/master/data/nh_1500.Rds")
nh_3143 <- read_rds("https://github.com/THOMASELOVE/432-data/raw/refs/heads/master/data/nh_3143.Rds")

The nh_1500 and nh_3143 data

These data are drawn from NHANES in the 2013-14, 2015-16 and 2017-18 cycles. I’ve removed observations with missing data, and adjusted the names and some details for the selected variables listed below.

The data set I generated from this work yielded 1500 + 3143 = 4643 observations, which I have partitioned into one sample called nh_1500 and another called nh_3143. Each of the 4643 observations appears in exactly one of the two files. Each file contains the following set of 30 variables.

Variable Descriptions

My Variable NHANES Name Description Source
SEQN SEQN Subject ID code all files
sex RIAGENDR sex (Male or Female) DEMO
age RIDAGEYR age in years DEMO
race_eth RIDRETH1 race/ethnicity (4 levels) DEMO
educ DMDEDUC2 educational attainment (4 levels) DEMO
marital DMDMARTL marital status (4 levels) DEMO
hh_size DMDHHSIZ household size (1-6 people) DEMO
inc_pov INDFMPIR income divided by poverty level (capped at 5) DEMO
wtint2yr WTINT2YR sampling weight for interview questions DEMO
wtmec2yr WTMEC2YR sampling weight for medical examination DEMO
weight BMXWT weight in kilograms Exam: BMX
height BMXHT standing height in centimeters Exam: BMX
waist BMXWAIST waist circumference in centimeters Exam: BMX
pulse BPXPLS 60-second heart rate (30-sec rate * 2) Exam: BPX
sbp1 BPXSY1 (First) Systolic BP, in mm Hg Exam: BPX
dbp1 BPXDI1 (First) Diastolic BP, in mm Hg Exam: BPX
sbp3 BPXSY3 (Third) Systolic BP, in mm Hg Exam: BPX
dbp3 BPXDI3 (Third) Diastolic BP, in mm Hg Exam: BPX
bun LBXSBU Serum Blood Urea Nitrogen (mg/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
scr LBXSCR Serum Creatinine (mg/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
glucose LBXSGL Serum Glucose (mg/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
iron LBXSIR Serum Iron (ug/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
bili LBXSTB Serum Bilirubin (mg/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
uric LBXSUA Uric acid (mg/dl) Lab: BIOPRO
wbc LBXWBCSI White blood cell count (1000 cells/uL) Lab: CBC_J
rbc LBXRBCSI Red blood cell count (1000 cells/uL) Lab: CBC_J
platelet LBXPLTSI Platelet count (1000 cells/uL) Lab: CBC_J
health HSD010 Self-reported overall health (E, VG, G, F, P) Ques.: HSQ
smk100 SMQ020 Smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your life? (Yes/No) Ques.: SMQ
limited PFQ051 Limited in the kind or amount of work you can do by a physical/mental/emotional problem? (Yes/No) Ques.: PFQ

Numerical Summaries for nh_1500

[1] 1500   30
nh_1500 (1500 rows and 30 variables, 30 shown)

ID | Name     | Type        | Missings |            Values |            N
1  | SEQN     | character   | 0 (0.0%) |            100055 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100056 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100105 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100115 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100123 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100137 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100172 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100180 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100190 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |            100212 |    1 ( 0.1%)
   |          |             |          |             (...) |             
2  | sex      | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |              Male |  732 (48.8%)
   |          |             |          |            Female |  768 (51.2%)
3  | age      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [30, 59] |         1500
4  | race_eth | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |          NH_White |  645 (43.0%)
   |          |             |          |          NH_Black |  334 (22.3%)
   |          |             |          |          NH_Other |  296 (19.7%)
   |          |             |          |          Hispanic |  225 (15.0%)
5  | educ     | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |          Non_Grad |  167 (11.1%)
   |          |             |          |           HS_Grad |  302 (20.1%)
   |          |             |          |         Some_Coll |  545 (36.3%)
   |          |             |          |         Coll_Grad |  486 (32.4%)
6  | marital  | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |           Married |  885 (59.0%)
   |          |             |          |            Former |  274 (18.3%)
   |          |             |          |             Never |  236 (15.7%)
   |          |             |          |           Partner |  105 ( 7.0%)
7  | hh_size  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |            [1, 6] |         1500
8  | inc_pov  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [0.13, 5] |         1500
9  | wtint2yr | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [5019.48, 407301] |         1500
10 | wtmec2yr | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [5374.38, 407801] |         1500
11 | weight   | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |       [32.8, 185] |         1500
12 | height   | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |    [141.9, 199.4] |         1500
13 | waist    | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |       [55.5, 165] |         1500
14 | pulse    | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [40, 140] |         1500
15 | sbp1     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [86, 218] |         1500
16 | dbp1     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [44, 120] |         1500
17 | sbp3     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [82, 214] |         1500
18 | dbp3     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [26, 114] |         1500
19 | bun      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |           [3, 73] |         1500
20 | scr      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |     [0.35, 12.74] |         1500
21 | glucose  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [55, 501] |         1500
22 | iron     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [9, 325] |         1500
23 | bili     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [0, 7.1] |         1500
24 | uric     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |       [0.8, 12.4] |         1500
25 | wbc      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |       [2.5, 22.8] |         1500
26 | rbc      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |      [2.89, 6.75] |         1500
27 | platelet | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [54, 583] |         1500
28 | health   | ordinal     | 0 (0.0%) |         Excellent |  138 ( 9.2%)
   |          |             |          |            V_Good |  404 (26.9%)
   |          |             |          |              Good |  646 (43.1%)
   |          |             |          |              Fair |  264 (17.6%)
   |          |             |          |              Poor |   48 ( 3.2%)
29 | smk100   | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |               Yes |  671 (44.7%)
   |          |             |          |                No |  829 (55.3%)
30 | limited  | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |               Yes |  286 (19.1%)
   |          |             |          |                No | 1214 (80.9%)

Numerical Summaries for nh_3143

[1] 3143   30
nh_3143 (3143 rows and 30 variables, 30 shown)

ID | Name     | Type        | Missings |            Values |            N
1  | SEQN     | character   | 0 (0.0%) |            100001 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100016 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100024 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100025 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100037 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100046 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100072 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100087 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100099 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |            100100 |    1 ( 0.0%)
   |          |             |          |             (...) |             
2  | sex      | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |              Male | 1504 (47.9%)
   |          |             |          |            Female | 1639 (52.1%)
3  | age      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [30, 59] |         3143
4  | race_eth | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |          NH_White | 1367 (43.5%)
   |          |             |          |          NH_Black |  685 (21.8%)
   |          |             |          |          NH_Other |  627 (19.9%)
   |          |             |          |          Hispanic |  464 (14.8%)
5  | educ     | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |          Non_Grad |  366 (11.6%)
   |          |             |          |           HS_Grad |  658 (20.9%)
   |          |             |          |         Some_Coll | 1078 (34.3%)
   |          |             |          |         Coll_Grad | 1041 (33.1%)
6  | marital  | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |           Married | 1825 (58.1%)
   |          |             |          |            Former |  580 (18.5%)
   |          |             |          |             Never |  460 (14.6%)
   |          |             |          |           Partner |  278 ( 8.8%)
7  | hh_size  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |            [1, 6] |         3143
8  | inc_pov  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [0.11, 5] |         3143
9  | wtint2yr | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [5356.64, 433085] |         3143
10 | wtmec2yr | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) | [5454.01, 419057] |         3143
11 | weight   | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |     [40.3, 207.2] |         3143
12 | height   | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |    [140.1, 202.7] |         3143
13 | waist    | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |     [63.2, 177.9] |         3143
14 | pulse    | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [42, 120] |         3143
15 | sbp1     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [74, 236] |         3143
16 | dbp1     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [34, 124] |         3143
17 | sbp3     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [74, 218] |         3143
18 | dbp3     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [30, 126] |         3143
19 | bun      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |           [2, 73] |         3143
20 | scr      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |      [0.3, 16.64] |         3143
21 | glucose  | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [19, 521] |         3143
22 | iron     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [7, 476] |         3143
23 | bili     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |          [0, 3.3] |         3143
24 | uric     | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [0.7, 18] |         3143
25 | wbc      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |       [2.3, 31.4] |         3143
26 | rbc      | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |      [2.79, 7.14] |         3143
27 | platelet | numeric     | 0 (0.0%) |         [36, 777] |         3143
28 | health   | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |         Excellent |  337 (10.7%)
   |          |             |          |            V_Good |  886 (28.2%)
   |          |             |          |              Good | 1299 (41.3%)
   |          |             |          |              Fair |  529 (16.8%)
   |          |             |          |              Poor |   92 ( 2.9%)
29 | smk100   | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |               Yes | 1351 (43.0%)
   |          |             |          |                No | 1792 (57.0%)
30 | limited  | categorical | 0 (0.0%) |               Yes |  563 (17.9%)
   |          |             |          |                No | 2580 (82.1%)