432 Class Notes

The 432 Class Notes were last updated on 2024-04-29 and are posted here.

Errors in the 432 Class Notes

If you find any errors in the 432 notes, please submit them to Campuswire in the “Notes edits” folder.

Chapter 1

In section 1.12.1, below the miss_case_table() results, there is a bullet list describing the PHQ9_CAT which has a problem with the quotation marks in the first bullet, which should read:

PHQ9 > 20 means PHQ9_CAT is “severe”,

Chapter 4

Under the histogram in section 4.3.1, replace SED_F with SED_f in the sentence below so it reads:

Now, we want to compare the Lowest SEDATE group (SED_f = [2, 200)) to the Highest SEDATE group (SED_f = [420, 1320]).

Chapter 7

In section 7.8, there is a typo (the word mode instead of more) in the opening paragraph. It should read:

Multiple imputation, where NA values are repeatedly estimated/replaced with multiple data values, for the purpose of obtaining more complete samples and capturing details of the variation inherent in the fact that the data have missingness, so as to obtain more accurate estimates than are possible with single imputation.

Thank you for your patience.