Chapter 3 Analysis of Variance

3.1 The bonding data: A Designed Dental Experiment

The bonding data describe a designed experiment into the properties of four different resin types (resin = A, B, C, D) and two different curing light sources (light = Halogen, LED) as they relate to the resulting bonding strength (measured in MPa5) on the surface of teeth. The source is Kim (2014).

The experiment involved making measurements of bonding strength under a total of 80 experimental setups, or runs, with 10 runs completed at each of the eight combinations of a light source and a resin type. The data are gathered in the bonding.csv file.

# A tibble: 80 x 4
   run_ID light   resin strength
   <fct>  <fct>   <fct>    <dbl>
 1 R101   LED     B         12.8
 2 R102   Halogen B         22.2
 3 R103   Halogen B         24.6
 4 R104   LED     A         17  
 5 R105   LED     C         32.2
 6 R106   Halogen B         27.1
 7 R107   LED     A         23.4
 8 R108   Halogen A         23.5
 9 R109   Halogen D         37.3
10 R110   Halogen A         19.7
# ... with 70 more rows

3.2 A One-Factor Analysis of Variance

Suppose we are interested in the distribution of the strength values for the four different types of resin.

bonding %>% group_by(resin) %>% summarize(n = n(), mean(strength), median(strength))
# A tibble: 4 x 4
  resin     n `mean(strength)` `median(strength)`
  <fct> <int>            <dbl>              <dbl>
1 A        20             18.4               18.0
2 B        20             22.2               22.7
3 C        20             25.2               25.7
4 D        20             32.1               35.3

I’d begin serious work with a plot.

3.2.1 Look at the Data!

ggplot(bonding, aes(x = resin, y = strength)) +

Another good plot for this purpose is a ridgeline plot.

ggplot(bonding, aes(x = strength, y = resin, fill = resin)) +
    geom_density_ridges2() +
    guides(fill = FALSE)
Picking joint bandwidth of 3.09

3.2.2 Table of Summary Statistics

With the small size of this experiment (n = 20 for each resin type), graphical summaries may not perform as well as they often do. We’ll also produce a quick table of summary statistics for strength within each resin type, with the skim() function.

bonding %>% group_by(resin) %>% skim(strength)
Skim summary statistics
 n obs: 80 
 n variables: 4 
 group variables: resin 

-- Variable type:numeric ----------------------------------------------------------
 resin variable missing complete  n  mean   sd   p0   p25   p50   p75 p100
     A strength       0       20 20 18.41 4.81  9.3 15.73 17.95 20.4  28  
     B strength       0       20 20 22.23 6.75 11.8 18.45 22.7  25.75 35.2
     C strength       0       20 20 25.16 6.33 14.5 20.65 25.7  30.7  34.5
     D strength       0       20 20 32.08 9.74 17.3 21.82 35.3  40.15 47.2

Since the means and medians within each group are fairly close, and the distributions (with the possible exception of resin D) are reasonably well approximated by the Normal, I’ll fit an ANOVA model6.

anova(lm(strength ~ resin, data = bonding))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: strength
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
resin      3 1999.7  666.57  13.107 5.52e-07 ***
Residuals 76 3865.2   50.86                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

It appears that the resin types have a significant association with mean strength of the bonds. Can we identify which resin types have generally higher or lower strength?

TukeyHSD(aov(lm(strength ~ resin, data = bonding)))
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = lm(strength ~ resin, data = bonding))

      diff        lwr       upr     p adj
B-A  3.815 -2.1088676  9.738868 0.3351635
C-A  6.740  0.8161324 12.663868 0.0193344
D-A 13.660  7.7361324 19.583868 0.0000003
C-B  2.925 -2.9988676  8.848868 0.5676635
D-B  9.845  3.9211324 15.768868 0.0002276
D-C  6.920  0.9961324 12.843868 0.0154615

Based on these confidence intervals (which have a family-wise 95% confidence level), we see that D is associated with significantly larger mean strength than A or B or C, and that C is also associated with significantly larger mean strength than A. This may be easier to see in a plot of these confidence intervals.

plot(TukeyHSD(aov(lm(strength ~ resin, data = bonding))))

3.3 A Two-Way ANOVA: Looking at Two Factors

Now, we’ll now add consideration of the light source into our study. We can look at the distribution of the strength values at the combinations of both light and resin, with a plot like this one.

ggplot(bonding, aes(x = resin, y = strength, color = light)) +
    geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
    facet_wrap(~ light) +
    guides(color = FALSE) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("purple", "darkorange")) +

3.4 A Means Plot (with standard deviations) to check for interaction

Sometimes, we’ll instead look at a plot simply of the means (and, often, the standard deviations) of strength at each combination of light and resin. We’ll start by building up a data set with the summaries we want to plot.

bond.sum <- bonding %>% 
    group_by(resin, light) %>%
    summarize(mean.str = mean(strength), sd.str = sd(strength))

# A tibble: 8 x 4
# Groups:   resin [4]
  resin light   mean.str sd.str
  <fct> <fct>      <dbl>  <dbl>
1 A     Halogen     17.8   4.02
2 A     LED         19.1   5.63
3 B     Halogen     19.9   5.62
4 B     LED         24.6   7.25
5 C     Halogen     22.5   6.19
6 C     LED         27.8   5.56
7 D     Halogen     40.3   4.15
8 D     LED         23.8   5.70

Now, we’ll use this new data set to plot the means and standard deviations of strength at each combination of resin and light.

## The error bars will overlap unless we adjust the position.
pd <- position_dodge(0.2) # move them .1 to the left and right

ggplot(bond.sum, aes(x = resin, y = mean.str, col = light)) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean.str - sd.str, 
                      ymax = mean.str + sd.str),
                  width = 0.2, position = pd) +
    geom_point(size = 2, position = pd) + 
    geom_line(aes(group = light), position = pd) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("purple", "darkorange")) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(y = "Bonding Strength (MPa)", x = "Resin Type",
         title = "Observed Means (+/- SD) of Bonding Strength")

Is there evidence of a meaningful interaction between the resin type and the light source on the bonding strength in this plot?

  • Sure. A meaningful interaction just means that the strength associated with different resin types depends on the light source.
    • With LED light, it appears that resin C leads to the strongest bonding strength.
    • With Halogen light, though, it seems that resin D is substantially stronger.
  • Note that the lines we see here connecting the light sources aren’t in parallel (as they would be if we had zero interaction between resin and light), but rather, they cross.

3.4.1 Skimming the data after grouping by resin and light

We might want to look at a numerical summary of the strengths within these groups, too.

bonding %>%
    group_by(resin, light) %>%
Skim summary statistics
 n obs: 80 
 n variables: 4 
 group variables: resin, light 

-- Variable type:numeric ----------------------------------------------------------
 resin   light variable missing complete  n  mean   sd   p0   p25   p50
     A Halogen strength       0       10 10 17.77 4.02  9.3 15.75 18.35
     A     LED strength       0       10 10 19.06 5.63 11.6 16.18 17.8 
     B Halogen strength       0       10 10 19.9  5.62 11.8 14.78 21.75
     B     LED strength       0       10 10 24.56 7.25 12.8 20.45 24.45
     C Halogen strength       0       10 10 22.54 6.19 14.5 18.85 21.3 
     C     LED strength       0       10 10 27.77 5.56 16.5 24.7  28.45
     D Halogen strength       0       10 10 40.3  4.15 35.5 36.55 40.4 
     D     LED strength       0       10 10 23.85 5.7  17.3 19.75 21.45
   p75 p100
 20    23.5
 22.5  28  
 24.12 27.1
 27.87 35.2
 25.8  33  
 31.83 34.5
 43.62 47.2
 28.2  35.1

3.5 Fitting the Two-Way ANOVA model with Interaction

c3_m1 <- lm(strength ~ resin * light, data = bonding)


lm(formula = strength ~ resin * light, data = bonding)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-11.760  -3.663  -0.320   3.697  11.250 

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)       17.770      1.771  10.033 2.57e-15 ***
resinB             2.130      2.505   0.850   0.3979    
resinC             4.770      2.505   1.904   0.0609 .  
resinD            22.530      2.505   8.995 2.13e-13 ***
lightLED           1.290      2.505   0.515   0.6081    
resinB:lightLED    3.370      3.542   0.951   0.3446    
resinC:lightLED    3.940      3.542   1.112   0.2697    
resinD:lightLED  -17.740      3.542  -5.008 3.78e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 5.601 on 72 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.6149,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.5775 
F-statistic: 16.42 on 7 and 72 DF,  p-value: 9.801e-13

3.5.1 The ANOVA table for our model

In a two-way ANOVA model, we begin by assessing the interaction term. If it’s important, then our best model is the model including the interaction. If it’s not important, we will often move on to consider a new model, fit without an interaction.

The ANOVA table is especially helpful in this case, because it lets us look specifically at the interaction effect.

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: strength
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
resin        3 1999.72  666.57 21.2499 5.792e-10 ***
light        1   34.72   34.72  1.1067    0.2963    
resin:light  3 1571.96  523.99 16.7043 2.457e-08 ***
Residuals   72 2258.52   31.37                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

3.5.2 Is the interaction important?

In this case, the interaction:

  • is evident in the means plot, and
  • is highly statistically significant, and
  • accounts for a sizable fraction (27%) of the overall variation

\[ \eta^2_{interaction} = \frac{\mbox{SS(resin:light)}}{SS(Total)} = \frac{1571.96}{1999.72 + 34.72 + 1571.96 + 2258.52} = 0.268 \]

If the interaction were either large or significant we would be inclined to keep it in the model. In this case, it’s both, so there’s no real reason to remove it.

3.5.3 Interpreting the Interaction

Recall the model equation, which is:


lm(formula = strength ~ resin * light, data = bonding)

    (Intercept)           resinB           resinC           resinD  
          17.77             2.13             4.77            22.53  
       lightLED  resinB:lightLED  resinC:lightLED  resinD:lightLED  
           1.29             3.37             3.94           -17.74  

so we have:

\[ strength = 17.77 + 2.13 resinB + 4.77 resinC + 22.53 resinD \\ + 1.29 lightLED + 3.37 resinB*lightLED \\ + 3.94 resinC*lightLED - 17.74 resinD*lightLED \]

So, if light = Halogen, our equation is:

\[ strength = 17.77 + 2.13 resinB + 4.77 resinC + 22.53 resinD \]

And if light = LED, our equation is:

\[ strength = 19.06 + 5.50 resinB + 8.71 resinC + 4.79 resinD \]

Note that both the intercept and the slopes change as a result of the interaction. The model yields a different prediction for every possible combination of a resin type and a light source.

3.6 Comparing Individual Combinations of resin and light

To make comparisons between individual combinations of a resin type and a light source, using something like Tukey’s HSD approach for multiple comparisons, we first refit the model using the aov structure, rather than lm.

c3m1_aov <- aov(strength ~ resin * light, data = bonding)

            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
resin        3 1999.7   666.6  21.250 5.79e-10 ***
light        1   34.7    34.7   1.107    0.296    
resin:light  3 1572.0   524.0  16.704 2.46e-08 ***
Residuals   72 2258.5    31.4                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

And now, we can obtain Tukey HSD comparisons (which will maintain an overall 95% family-wise confidence level) across the resin types, the light sources, and the combinations, with the TukeyHSD command. This approach is only completely appropriate if these comparisons are pre-planned, and if the design is balanced (as this is, with the same sample size for each combination of a light source and resin type.)

  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = strength ~ resin * light, data = bonding)

      diff       lwr       upr     p adj
B-A  3.815 -0.843129  8.473129 0.1461960
C-A  6.740  2.081871 11.398129 0.0016436
D-A 13.660  9.001871 18.318129 0.0000000
C-B  2.925 -1.733129  7.583129 0.3568373
D-B  9.845  5.186871 14.503129 0.0000026
D-C  6.920  2.261871 11.578129 0.0011731

               diff       lwr      upr     p adj
LED-Halogen -1.3175 -3.814042 1.179042 0.2963128

                      diff          lwr        upr     p adj
B:Halogen-A:Halogen   2.13  -5.68928258   9.949283 0.9893515
C:Halogen-A:Halogen   4.77  -3.04928258  12.589283 0.5525230
D:Halogen-A:Halogen  22.53  14.71071742  30.349283 0.0000000
A:LED-A:Halogen       1.29  -6.52928258   9.109283 0.9995485
B:LED-A:Halogen       6.79  -1.02928258  14.609283 0.1361092
C:LED-A:Halogen      10.00   2.18071742  17.819283 0.0037074
D:LED-A:Halogen       6.08  -1.73928258  13.899283 0.2443200
C:Halogen-B:Halogen   2.64  -5.17928258  10.459283 0.9640100
D:Halogen-B:Halogen  20.40  12.58071742  28.219283 0.0000000
A:LED-B:Halogen      -0.84  -8.65928258   6.979283 0.9999747
B:LED-B:Halogen       4.66  -3.15928258  12.479283 0.5818695
C:LED-B:Halogen       7.87   0.05071742  15.689283 0.0473914
D:LED-B:Halogen       3.95  -3.86928258  11.769283 0.7621860
D:Halogen-C:Halogen  17.76   9.94071742  25.579283 0.0000000
A:LED-C:Halogen      -3.48 -11.29928258   4.339283 0.8591455
B:LED-C:Halogen       2.02  -5.79928258   9.839283 0.9922412
C:LED-C:Halogen       5.23  -2.58928258  13.049283 0.4323859
D:LED-C:Halogen       1.31  -6.50928258   9.129283 0.9995004
A:LED-D:Halogen     -21.24 -29.05928258 -13.420717 0.0000000
B:LED-D:Halogen     -15.74 -23.55928258  -7.920717 0.0000006
C:LED-D:Halogen     -12.53 -20.34928258  -4.710717 0.0001014
D:LED-D:Halogen     -16.45 -24.26928258  -8.630717 0.0000002
B:LED-A:LED           5.50  -2.31928258  13.319283 0.3665620
C:LED-A:LED           8.71   0.89071742  16.529283 0.0185285
D:LED-A:LED           4.79  -3.02928258  12.609283 0.5471915
C:LED-B:LED           3.21  -4.60928258  11.029283 0.9027236
D:LED-B:LED          -0.71  -8.52928258   7.109283 0.9999920
D:LED-C:LED          -3.92 -11.73928258   3.899283 0.7690762

One conclusion from this is that the combination of D and Halogen is significantly stronger than each of the other seven combinations.

3.7 The bonding model without Interaction

It seems incorrect in this situation to fit a model without the interaction term, but we’ll do so just so you can see what’s involved.

c3_m2 <- lm(strength ~ resin + light, data = bonding)


lm(formula = strength ~ resin + light, data = bonding)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-14.1163  -4.9531   0.1187   4.4613  14.4663 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   19.074      1.787  10.676  < 2e-16 ***
resinB         3.815      2.260   1.688  0.09555 .  
resinC         6.740      2.260   2.982  0.00386 ** 
resinD        13.660      2.260   6.044 5.39e-08 ***
lightLED      -1.317      1.598  -0.824  0.41229    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 7.147 on 75 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3469,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.312 
F-statistic: 9.958 on 4 and 75 DF,  p-value: 1.616e-06

In the no-interaction model, if light = Halogen, our equation is:

\[ strength = 19.07 + 3.82 resinB + 6.74 resinC + 13.66 resinD \]

And if light = LED, our equation is:

\[ strength = 17.75 + 3.82 resinB + 6.74 resinC + 13.66 resinD \]

So, in the no-interaction model, only the intercept changes.

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: strength
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
resin      3 1999.7  666.57 13.0514 6.036e-07 ***
light      1   34.7   34.72  0.6797    0.4123    
Residuals 75 3830.5   51.07                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

And, it appears, if we ignore the interaction, then resin type has a significant impact on strength but light source doesn’t. This is clearer when we look at boxplots of the separated light and resin groups.

p1 <- ggplot(bonding, aes(x = light, y = strength)) + 
p2 <- ggplot(bonding, aes(x = resin, y = strength)) +

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

3.8 cortisol: A Hypothetical Clinical Trial

156 adults who complained of problems with a high-stress lifestyle were enrolled in a hypothetical clinical trial of the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention designed to help reduce stress levels, as measured by salivary cortisol.

The subjects were randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups (usual care, low dose, and high dose.) The “low dose” subjects received a one-week intervention with a follow-up at week 5. The “high dose” subjects received a more intensive three-week intervention, with follow up at week 5.

Since cortisol levels rise and fall with circadian rhythms, the cortisol measurements were taken just after rising for all subjects. These measurements were taken at baseline, and again at five weeks. The difference (baseline - week 5) in cortisol level (in micrograms / l) serves as the primary outcome.

3.8.1 Codebook and Raw Data for cortisol

The data are gathered in the cortisol data set. Included are:

Variable Description
subject subject identification code
interv intervention group (UC = usual care, Low, High)
waist waist circumference at baseline (in inches)
sex male or female
cort.1 salivary cortisol level (microg/l) week 1
cort.5 salivary cortisol level (microg/l) week 5
# A tibble: 156 x 6
   subject interv waist sex   cort.1 cort.5
     <int> <fct>  <dbl> <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1    1001 UC      48.3 M       13.4   13.3
 2    1002 Low     58.3 M       17.8   16.6
 3    1003 High    43   M       14.4   12.7
 4    1004 Low     44.9 M        9      9.8
 5    1005 High    46.1 M       14.2   14.2
 6    1006 UC      41.3 M       14.8   15.1
 7    1007 Low     51   F       13.7   16  
 8    1008 UC      42   F       17.3   18.7
 9    1009 Low     24.7 F       15.3   15.8
10    1010 Low     59.4 M       12.4   11.7
# ... with 146 more rows

3.9 Creating a factor combining sex and waist

Next, we’ll put the waist and sex data in the cortisol example together. We want to build a second categorical variable (called fat_est) combining this information, to indicate “healthy” vs. “unhealthy” levels of fat around the waist.

  • Male subjects whose waist circumference is 40 inches or more, and
  • Female subjects whose waist circumference is 35 inches or more, will fall in the “unhealthy” group.
cortisol <- cortisol %>%
        fat_est = factor(case_when(
            sex == "M" & waist >= 40 ~ "unhealthy",
            sex == "F" & waist >= 35 ~ "unhealthy",
            TRUE                     ~ "healthy")),
        cort_diff = cort.1 - cort.5)

    subject      interv       waist       sex        cort.1      
 Min.   :1001   High:53   Min.   :20.80   F:83   Min.   : 6.000  
 1st Qu.:1040   Low :52   1st Qu.:33.27   M:73   1st Qu.: 9.675  
 Median :1078   UC  :51   Median :40.35          Median :12.400  
 Mean   :1078             Mean   :40.42          Mean   :12.686  
 3rd Qu.:1117             3rd Qu.:47.77          3rd Qu.:16.025  
 Max.   :1156             Max.   :59.90          Max.   :19.000  
     cort.5          fat_est      cort_diff      
 Min.   : 4.2   healthy  : 56   Min.   :-2.3000  
 1st Qu.: 9.6   unhealthy:100   1st Qu.:-0.5000  
 Median :12.6                   Median : 0.2000  
 Mean   :12.4                   Mean   : 0.2821  
 3rd Qu.:15.7                   3rd Qu.: 1.2000  
 Max.   :19.7                   Max.   : 2.0000  

3.10 A Means Plot for the cortisol trial (with standard errors)

Again, we’ll start by building up a data set with the summaries we want to plot.

cort.sum <- cortisol %>% 
    group_by(interv, fat_est) %>%
    summarize(mean.cort = mean(cort_diff), 
              se.cort = sd(cort_diff)/sqrt(n()))

# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups:   interv [3]
  interv fat_est   mean.cort se.cort
  <fct>  <fct>         <dbl>   <dbl>
1 High   healthy       0.695   0.217
2 High   unhealthy     0.352   0.150
3 Low    healthy       0.5     0.182
4 Low    unhealthy     0.327   0.190
5 UC     healthy       0.347   0.225
6 UC     unhealthy    -0.226   0.155

Now, we’ll use this new data set to plot the means and standard errors.

## The error bars will overlap unless we adjust the position.
pd <- position_dodge(0.2) # move them .1 to the left and right

ggplot(cort.sum, aes(x = interv, y = mean.cort, col = fat_est)) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean.cort - se.cort, 
                      ymax = mean.cort + se.cort),
                  width = 0.2, position = pd) +
    geom_point(size = 2, position = pd) + 
    geom_line(aes(group = fat_est), position = pd) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("royalblue", "darkred")) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(y = "Salivary Cortisol Level", x = "Intervention Group",
         title = "Observed Means (+/- SE) of Salivary Cortisol")

3.11 A Two-Way ANOVA model for cortisol with Interaction

c3_m3 <- lm(cort_diff ~ interv * fat_est, data = cortisol)

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: cort_diff
                Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
interv           2   7.847  3.9235  4.4698 0.01301 *
fat_est          1   4.614  4.6139  5.2564 0.02326 *
interv:fat_est   2   0.943  0.4715  0.5371 0.58554  
Residuals      150 131.666  0.8778                  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Does it seem like we need the interaction term in this case?


lm(formula = cort_diff ~ interv * fat_est, data = cortisol)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.62727 -0.75702  0.08636  0.84848  2.12647 

                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)                  0.6950     0.2095   3.317  0.00114 **
intervLow                   -0.1950     0.3001  -0.650  0.51689   
intervUC                    -0.3479     0.3091  -1.126  0.26206   
fat_estunhealthy            -0.3435     0.2655  -1.294  0.19774   
intervLow:fat_estunhealthy   0.1708     0.3785   0.451  0.65256   
intervUC:fat_estunhealthy   -0.2300     0.3846  -0.598  0.55068   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.9369 on 150 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.0924,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.06214 
F-statistic: 3.054 on 5 and 150 DF,  p-value: 0.01179

How do you reconcile the apparent difference in significance levels between this regression summary and the ANOVA table above?

3.12 A Two-Way ANOVA model for cortisol without Interaction

3.12.1 The Graph

p1 <- ggplot(cortisol, aes(x = interv, y = cort_diff)) + 
p2 <- ggplot(cortisol, aes(x = fat_est, y = cort_diff)) +

gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

3.12.2 The ANOVA Model

c3_m4 <- lm(cort_diff ~ interv + fat_est, data = cortisol)

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: cort_diff
           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
interv      2   7.847  3.9235  4.4972 0.01266 *
fat_est     1   4.614  4.6139  5.2886 0.02283 *
Residuals 152 132.609  0.8724                  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

How do these results compare to those we saw in the model with interaction?

3.12.3 The Regression Summary


lm(formula = cort_diff ~ interv + fat_est, data = cortisol)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.55929 -0.74527  0.05457  0.86456  2.05489 

                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)       0.70452    0.16093   4.378 2.22e-05 ***
intervLow        -0.08645    0.18232  -0.474  0.63606    
intervUC         -0.50063    0.18334  -2.731  0.00707 ** 
fat_estunhealthy -0.35878    0.15601  -2.300  0.02283 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.934 on 152 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.0859,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.06785 
F-statistic: 4.761 on 3 and 152 DF,  p-value: 0.00335

3.12.4 Tukey HSD Comparisons

Without the interaction term, we can make direct comparisons between levels of the intervention, and between levels of the fat_est variable. This is probably best done here in a Tukey HSD comparison.

TukeyHSD(aov(cort_diff ~ interv + fat_est, data = cortisol))
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = cort_diff ~ interv + fat_est, data = cortisol)

                diff        lwr         upr     p adj
Low-High -0.09074746 -0.5222655  0.34077063 0.8724916
UC-High  -0.51642619 -0.9500745 -0.08277793 0.0150150
UC-Low   -0.42567873 -0.8613670  0.01000948 0.0570728

                        diff        lwr         upr     p adj
unhealthy-healthy -0.3582443 -0.6662455 -0.05024305 0.0229266

What conclusions can we draw, at a 5% significance level?


Kim, Hae-Young. 2014. “Statistical Notes for Clinical Researchers: Two-Way Analysis of Variance (Anova) - Exploring Possible Interaction Between Factors.” Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 39(2): 143–47.

  1. The MPa is defined as the failure load (in Newtons) divided by the entire bonded area, in mm2.

  2. If the data weren’t approximately Normally distributed, we might instead consider a rank-based alternative to ANOVA, like the Kruskal-Wallis test.