Chapter 14 Logistic Regression and the smartcle1 data

14.1 The smartcle1 data

Recall that the smartcle1.csv data file available on the Data and Code page of our website describes information on 11 variables for 1036 respondents to the BRFSS 2016, who live in the Cleveland-Elyria, OH, Metropolitan Statistical Area. As we’ve discussed in previous work, the variables in the smartcle1.csv file are listed below, along with (in some cases) the BRFSS items that generate these responses.

Variable Description
SEQNO respondent identification number (all begin with 2016)
physhealth Now thinking about your physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good?
menthealth Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?
poorhealth During the past 30 days, for about how many days did poor physical or mental health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?
genhealth Would you say that in general, your health is … (five categories: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair or Poor)
bmi Body mass index, in kg/m2
female Sex, 1 = female, 0 = male
internet30 Have you used the internet in the past 30 days? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
exerany During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise? (1 = yes, 0 = no)
sleephrs On average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hour period?
alcdays How many days during the past 30 days did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, a malt beverage or liquor?

In this section, we’ll use some of the variables described above to predict the binary outcome: exerany.

14.2 Thinking About Non-Linear Terms

We have enough observations here to consider some non-linearity for our model.

In addition, since the genhealth variable is an ordinal variable and multi-categorical, we should consider how to model it. We have three options:

  1. include it as a factor in the model (the default approach)
  2. build a numeric version of that variable, and then restrict our model to treat that numeric variable as ordinal (forcing the categories to affect the exerany probabilities in an ordinal way), rather than as a simple nominal factor (so that if the effect of fair vs. good was to decrease the probability of ‘exerany’, then the effect of poor vs. good would have to decrease the probability at least as much as fair vs. good did.) Treating the genhealth variable as ordinal could be accomplished with the scored function in the rms package.
  3. build a numeric version of genhealth and then use the catg function to specify the predictor as nominal and categorical, but this will lead to essentially the same model as choice 1.

Suppose we’ve decided to treat the genhealth data as categorical, without restricting the effect of its various levels to be ordinal. Suppose also that we’ve decided to include the following seven variables in our model for exerany:

  • physhealth
  • menthealth
  • genhealth
  • bmi
  • female
  • internet30
  • sleephrs

Suppose we have a subject matter understanding that:

  • the impact of bmi on exerany is affected by female, so we plan a female x bmi interaction term
  • we’re using internet30 as a proxy for poverty, and we think that an interaction with self-reported genhealth will be helpful in our model as well.

Note that we do have some missing values in some of these predictors, so we’ll have to deal with that soon.

smartcle1 %>% select(exerany, physhealth, menthealth, 
                     genhealth, bmi, female, internet30, 
                     sleephrs) %>%
Skim summary statistics
 n obs: 1036 
 n variables: 8 

-- Variable type:factor -----------------------------------------------------------
  variable missing complete    n n_unique
 genhealth       3     1033 1036        5
                             top_counts ordered
 2_V: 350, 3_G: 344, 1_E: 173, 4_F: 122   FALSE

-- Variable type:integer ----------------------------------------------------------
   variable missing complete    n mean   sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100
    exerany       3     1033 1036 0.76 0.43  0   1   1   1    1
     female       0     1036 1036 0.6  0.49  0   0   1   1    1
 internet30       6     1030 1036 0.81 0.39  0   1   1   1    1
 menthealth      11     1025 1036 2.72 6.82  0   0   0   2   30
 physhealth      17     1019 1036 3.97 8.67  0   0   0   2   30
   sleephrs       8     1028 1036 7.02 1.53  1   6   7   8   20

-- Variable type:numeric ----------------------------------------------------------
 variable missing complete    n  mean   sd    p0  p25   p50   p75  p100
      bmi      84      952 1036 27.89 6.47 12.71 23.7 26.68 30.53 66.06

14.3 A First Model for exerany (Complete Case Analysis)

Suppose we develop a main-effects kitchen sink model (model m1 below) fitted to these predictors without the benefit of any non-linear terms except the two pre-planned interactions. We’ll run the model quickly here to ensure that the code runs, in a complete case analysis, without drawing any conclusions, really.

m1 <- lrm(exerany ~ internet30 * genhealth + bmi * female +
              physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs, 
          data = smartcle1)
Frequencies of Missing Values Due to Each Variable
   exerany internet30  genhealth        bmi     female physhealth 
         3          6          3         84          0         17 
menthealth   sleephrs 
        11          8 

Logistic Regression Model
 lrm(formula = exerany ~ internet30 * genhealth + bmi * female + 
     physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs, data = smartcle1)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs           924    LR chi2     134.17    R2       0.203    C       0.739    
  0            219    d.f.            15    g        1.021    Dxy     0.479    
  1            705    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.776    gamma   0.479    
 max |deriv| 6e-13                          gp       0.174    tau-a   0.173    
                                            Brier    0.153                     
                                   Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept                          2.9284 0.9951  2.94  0.0033  
 internet30                         0.7234 0.7095  1.02  0.3079  
 genhealth=2_VeryGood              -0.2267 0.7653 -0.30  0.7671  
 genhealth=3_Good                  -0.7950 0.7100 -1.12  0.2629  
 genhealth=4_Fair                  -1.2818 0.7482 -1.71  0.0867  
 genhealth=5_Poor                  -0.5215 0.8590 -0.61  0.5438  
 bmi                               -0.0323 0.0220 -1.47  0.1427  
 female                            -0.5789 0.7883 -0.73  0.4627  
 physhealth                        -0.0208 0.0109 -1.92  0.0552  
 menthealth                        -0.0142 0.0122 -1.16  0.2449  
 sleephrs                          -0.0338 0.0547 -0.62  0.5357  
 internet30 * genhealth=2_VeryGood  0.1524 0.8295  0.18  0.8542  
 internet30 * genhealth=3_Good     -0.0064 0.7702 -0.01  0.9934  
 internet30 * genhealth=4_Fair     -0.3235 0.8272 -0.39  0.6957  
 internet30 * genhealth=5_Poor     -1.7847 0.9994 -1.79  0.0741  
 bmi * female                      -0.0022 0.0266 -0.08  0.9350  

14.4 Building a Larger Model: Spearman \(\rho^2\) Plot

Before we impute, we might also consider the use of a Spearman \(\rho^2\) plot to decide how best to spend degrees of freedom on non-linear terms in our model for exerany using these predictors. Since we’re already planning some interaction terms, I’ll keep them in mind as I look at this plot.

sp_smart <- spearman2(exerany ~ physhealth + menthealth + 
                          genhealth + internet30 + 
                          bmi + female + sleephrs, 
                      data = smartcle1)

We see that the best candidate for a non-linear term is the genhealth variable, according to this plot, followed by the physhealth and internet30 predictors, then bmi. I will wind up fitting a model including the following non-linear terms…

  • our pre-planned female x bmi and internet30 x genhealth interaction terms,
  • a new genhealth x physhealth interaction term,
  • a restricted cubic spline with 5 knots for physhealth
  • a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots for bmi (so the interaction term with female will need to account for this and restrict our interaction to the linear piece of bmi)

14.5 A Second Model for exerany (Complete Cases)

Here’s the resulting model fit without worrying about imputation yet. This is just to make sure our code works. Note that I’m inserting the main effects of our interaction terms explicitly before including the interaction terms themselves, and that I need to use %ia% to include the interaction terms where one of the terms is included in the model with a spline. Again, I won’t draw any serious conclusions yet.

m2 <- lrm(exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + 
              female + internet30 * genhealth + 
              genhealth %ia% physhealth + female %ia% bmi + 
              menthealth + sleephrs, 
          data = smartcle1)
Frequencies of Missing Values Due to Each Variable
   exerany        bmi physhealth     female internet30  genhealth 
         3         84         17          0          6          3 
menthealth   sleephrs 
        11          8 

Logistic Regression Model
 lrm(formula = exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + female + 
     internet30 * genhealth + genhealth %ia% physhealth + female %ia% 
     bmi + menthealth + sleephrs, data = smartcle1)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs           924    LR chi2     142.51    R2       0.215    C       0.743    
  0            219    d.f.            22    g        1.053    Dxy     0.485    
  1            705    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.867    gamma   0.485    
 max |deriv| 6e-13                          gp       0.178    tau-a   0.176    
                                            Brier    0.151                     
                                   Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept                          2.2998 1.9789  1.16  0.2452  
 bmi                                0.0052 0.0801  0.06  0.9482  
 bmi'                              -0.2988 0.3555 -0.84  0.4006  
 bmi''                              0.8809 0.9615  0.92  0.3596  
 physhealth                         0.0410 0.0868  0.47  0.6362  
 physhealth'                       -0.2944 0.3888 -0.76  0.4489  
 female                            -0.6307 0.8228 -0.77  0.4434  
 internet30                         0.6722 0.7134  0.94  0.3460  
 genhealth=2_VeryGood              -0.3092 0.7700 -0.40  0.6880  
 genhealth=3_Good                  -0.7559 0.7194 -1.05  0.2934  
 genhealth=4_Fair                  -1.1611 0.7646 -1.52  0.1289  
 genhealth=5_Poor                  -2.3680 1.2846 -1.84  0.0653  
 genhealth=2_VeryGood * physhealth  0.0099 0.0824  0.12  0.9043  
 genhealth=3_Good * physhealth     -0.0406 0.0772 -0.53  0.5992  
 genhealth=4_Fair * physhealth     -0.0407 0.0773 -0.53  0.5988  
 genhealth=5_Poor * physhealth      0.0534 0.0868  0.62  0.5382  
 female * bmi                      -0.0023 0.0275 -0.08  0.9324  
 menthealth                        -0.0143 0.0125 -1.15  0.2522  
 sleephrs                          -0.0457 0.0561 -0.81  0.4153  
 internet30 * genhealth=2_VeryGood  0.2174 0.8330  0.26  0.7941  
 internet30 * genhealth=3_Good      0.0375 0.7767  0.05  0.9615  
 internet30 * genhealth=4_Fair     -0.3080 0.8371 -0.37  0.7129  
 internet30 * genhealth=5_Poor     -1.9411 1.0150 -1.91  0.0558  

14.6 Dealing with Missing Data via Simple Imputation

One approach we might take in this problem is to use simple imputation to deal with our missing values. I will proceed as follows:

  1. Omit all cases where the outcome exerany is missing.
  2. Determine (and plot) the remaining missingness.
  3. Use simple imputation for all predictors, and build a new data set with “complete” data.
  4. Re-fit the proposed models using this new data set.

14.6.1 Omit cases where the outcome is missing

We need to drop the cases where exerany is missing in smartcle1. We’ll begin creating an imputed data set, called smartcle_imp0, by filtering on complete data for exerany, as follows.

       n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
    1033        3        2    0.546      786   0.7609   0.3642 
smartcle_imp0 <- smartcle1 %>%
    filter(complete.cases(exerany)) %>%
    select(SEQNO, exerany, physhealth, menthealth, 
           genhealth, bmi, female, internet30, sleephrs)

       n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
    1033        0        2    0.546      786   0.7609   0.3642 

14.6.2 Plot the remaining missingness

We’ll look at the missing values (excluding the subject ID: SEQNO) in our new data set. Of course, we can get a count of missing values within each variable with skim or with:

     SEQNO    exerany physhealth menthealth  genhealth        bmi 
         0          0         16         11          3         83 
    female internet30   sleephrs 
         0          6          7 

The Hmisc package has a plotting approach which can help identify missingness, too.

naplot(naclus(select(smartcle_imp0, -SEQNO)))

We can also get a useful accounting of missing data patterns, with the md.pattern function in the mice package.


    SEQNO exerany female genhealth internet30 sleephrs menthealth
924     1       1      1         1          1        1          1
76      1       1      1         1          1        1          1
8       1       1      1         1          1        1          1
1       1       1      1         1          1        1          1
6       1       1      1         1          1        1          0
3       1       1      1         1          1        1          0
4       1       1      1         1          1        0          1
1       1       1      1         1          1        0          1
1       1       1      1         1          1        0          1
1       1       1      1         1          0        1          1
4       1       1      1         1          0        1          1
1       1       1      1         1          0        1          1
1       1       1      1         0          1        1          0
1       1       1      1         0          1        1          0
1       1       1      1         0          1        0          1
        0       0      0         3          6        7         11
    physhealth bmi    
924          1   1   0
76           1   0   1
8            0   1   1
1            0   0   2
6            1   1   1
3            0   1   2
4            1   1   1
1            1   0   2
1            0   1   2
1            1   1   1
4            1   0   2
1            0   0   3
1            1   1   2
1            0   1   3
1            0   1   3
            16  83 126

We can also do this with na.pattern in the Hmisc package, but then we have to get the names of the columns, too, so that we can read off the values.

000000000 000000001 000000010 000001000 000001001 000001010 000100000 
      924         4         1        76         1         4         6 
000110000 001000000 001000001 001001000 001001010 001010001 001100000 
        1         8         1         1         1         1         3 
[1] "SEQNO"      "exerany"    "physhealth" "menthealth" "genhealth" 
[6] "bmi"        "female"     "internet30" "sleephrs"  

14.6.3 Use simple imputation, build a new data set

The only variables that require no imputation are exerany and female. In this case, we need to impute:

  • 83 bmi values (which are quantitative)
  • 16 physhealth values (quantitative, must fall between 0 and 30)
  • 11 menthealth values (quantitative, must fall between 0 and 30)
  • 7 sleephrs values (quantitative, must fall between 0 and 24)
  • 6 internet30 values (which are 1/0)
  • and 3 genhealth values (which are multi-categorical, so we need to convert them to numbers in order to get the imputation process to work properly)
smartcle_imp0 <- smartcle_imp0 %>%
    mutate(genh_n = as.numeric(genhealth))

smartcle_imp0 %>% count(genhealth, genh_n)
Warning: Factor `genhealth` contains implicit NA, consider using
# A tibble: 6 x 3
  genhealth   genh_n     n
  <fct>        <dbl> <int>
1 1_Excellent      1   172
2 2_VeryGood       2   350
3 3_Good           3   344
4 4_Fair           4   121
5 5_Poor           5    43
6 <NA>            NA     3

I’ll work from the bottom up, using various simputation functions to accomplish the imputations I want. In this case, I’ll use predictive mean matching for the categorical data, and linear models or elastic net approaches for the quantitative data. Be sure to set a seed beforehand so you can replicate your work.


smartcle_imp1 <- smartcle_imp0 %>%
    impute_pmm(genh_n ~ female) %>%
    impute_pmm(internet30 ~ female + genh_n) %>%
    impute_lm(sleephrs ~ female + genh_n) %>%
    impute_lm(menthealth ~ female + sleephrs) %>%
    impute_en(physhealth ~ female + genh_n + sleephrs) %>%
    impute_en(bmi ~ physhealth + genh_n)

After the imputations are complete, I’ll back out of the numeric version of genhealth, called genh_n back to my original variable, then check to be sure I now have no missing values.

smartcle_imp1 <- smartcle_imp1 %>%
    mutate(genhealth = fct_recode(factor(genh_n), 
                                  "1_Excellent" = "1",
                                  "2_VeryGood" = "2",
                                  "3_Good" = "3",
                                  "4_Fair" = "4",
                                  "5_Poor" = "5"))

smartcle_imp1 %>% count(genhealth, genh_n)
# A tibble: 5 x 3
  genhealth   genh_n     n
  <fct>        <dbl> <int>
1 1_Excellent      1   172
2 2_VeryGood       2   351
3 3_Good           3   346
4 4_Fair           4   121
5 5_Poor           5    43
     SEQNO    exerany physhealth menthealth  genhealth        bmi 
         0          0          0          0          0          0 
    female internet30   sleephrs     genh_n 
         0          0          0          0 

OK. Looks good. I now have a data frame called smartcle_imp1 with no missingness, which I can use to fit my logistic regression models. Let’s do that next, and then return to the problem of accounting for missingness through multiple imputation.

14.7 Refitting Model 1 with simply imputed data

Using the numeric version of the genhealth data, called genh_n, will ease the reviewing of later output, so we’ll do that here, making sure R knows that genh_n describes a categorical factor.

d <- datadist(smartcle_imp1)
options(datadist = "d")

m1_a <- lrm(exerany ~ internet30 * catg(genh_n) + bmi * female +
              physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs, 
          data = smartcle_imp1, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
Logistic Regression Model
 lrm(formula = exerany ~ internet30 * catg(genh_n) + bmi * female + 
     physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs, data = smartcle_imp1, 
     x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs          1033    LR chi2     151.09    R2       0.204    C       0.741    
  0            247    d.f.            15    g        1.023    Dxy     0.482    
  1            786    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.780    gamma   0.483    
 max |deriv| 1e-12                          gp       0.175    tau-a   0.176    
                                            Brier    0.154                     
                       Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept              3.3390 0.9731  3.43  0.0006  
 internet30             0.6487 0.7010  0.93  0.3548  
 genh_n=2              -0.4938 0.7459 -0.66  0.5080  
 genh_n=3              -0.9270 0.6972 -1.33  0.1836  
 genh_n=4              -1.3060 0.7378 -1.77  0.0767  
 genh_n=5              -0.8093 0.8329 -0.97  0.3312  
 bmi                   -0.0412 0.0217 -1.90  0.0570  
 female                -0.9473 0.7722 -1.23  0.2199  
 physhealth            -0.0229 0.0102 -2.25  0.0246  
 menthealth            -0.0200 0.0114 -1.76  0.0784  
 sleephrs              -0.0415 0.0492 -0.84  0.3994  
 internet30 * genh_n=2  0.3701 0.8065  0.46  0.6463  
 internet30 * genh_n=3  0.1295 0.7543  0.17  0.8637  
 internet30 * genh_n=4 -0.2194 0.8108 -0.27  0.7867  
 internet30 * genh_n=5 -1.4080 0.9636 -1.46  0.1440  
 bmi * female           0.0118 0.0261  0.45  0.6497  

All right. We’ve used 1033 observations, which is correct (after deleting the three with missing exerany.) The model shows a Nagelkerke R2 value of 0.204, and a C statistic of 0.741 after imputation. The likelihood ratio (drop in deviance) test is highly significant.

14.7.1 Validating Summary Statistics

          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.4823   0.5012 0.4632   0.0380          0.4444 40
R2            0.2039   0.2218 0.1878   0.0340          0.1699 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0936  -0.0936          0.0936 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9001   0.0999          0.9001 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0401   0.0401          0.0401 40
D             0.1453   0.1592 0.1329   0.0264          0.1189 40
U            -0.0019  -0.0019 0.0013  -0.0032          0.0013 40
Q             0.1472   0.1612 0.1316   0.0295          0.1177 40
B             0.1539   0.1507 0.1566  -0.0058          0.1597 40
g             1.0226   1.0868 0.9722   0.1146          0.9080 40
gp            0.1751   0.1818 0.1673   0.0145          0.1606 40

It appears that the model’s description of summary statistics is a little optimistic for both the C statistic (remember that C = 0.5 + Dxy/2) and the Nagelkerke R2. This output suggests that in a new sample of data, our model might be better expected to show a C statistic near …

\[ C = 0.5 + \frac{Dxy}{2} = 0.5 + \frac{0.4444}{2} = 0.7222 \]

rather than the 0.741 we saw initially, and that the Nagelkerke R2 in new data will be closer to 0.17, than to the nominal 0.204 we saw above. So, as we walk through some other output for this model, remember that the C statistic wasn’t great here (0.72 after validation), so our ability to discriminate exercisers from non-exercisers is still a problem.

14.7.2 ANOVA for the model

Next, let’s look at the ANOVA comparisons for this model.

                Wald Statistics          Response: exerany 

 Factor                                             Chi-Square d.f. P     
 internet30  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)           17.28      5   0.0040
  All Interactions                                    5.84      4   0.2116
 genh_n  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)               35.81      8   <.0001
  All Interactions                                    5.84      4   0.2116
 bmi  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)                   7.36      2   0.0252
  All Interactions                                    0.21      1   0.6497
 female  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)               12.72      2   0.0017
  All Interactions                                    0.21      1   0.6497
 physhealth                                           5.05      1   0.0246
 menthealth                                           3.10      1   0.0784
 sleephrs                                             0.71      1   0.3994
 internet30 * genh_n  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)   5.84      4   0.2116
 bmi * female  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)          0.21      1   0.6497
 TOTAL INTERACTION                                    6.15      5   0.2917
 TOTAL                                              126.95     15   <.0001

It looks like several of the variables (genhealth, internet30, female, bmi and physhealth) are carrying statistically significant predictive value here.

We can also build a plot of the AIC values attributable to each piece of the model.

plot(anova(m1_a), what="aic")

14.7.3 Summarizing Effect Size

How big are the effects we see?


             Effects              Response : exerany 

 Factor       Low  High  Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
 internet30    0.0  1.00 1.00   1.018800 0.400350  0.234160   1.8035000
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   2.770000       NA  1.263800   6.0710000
 bmi          23.9 30.31 6.41  -0.264180 0.138810 -0.536240   0.0078783
  Odds Ratio  23.9 30.31 6.41   0.767840       NA  0.584950   1.0079000
 female        0.0  1.00 1.00  -0.627270 0.177840 -0.975830  -0.2787200
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   0.534050       NA  0.376880   0.7567500
 physhealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.045843 0.020393 -0.085813  -0.0058727
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.955190       NA  0.917770   0.9941400
 menthealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.040089 0.022778 -0.084733   0.0045549
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.960700       NA  0.918760   1.0046000
 sleephrs      6.0  8.00 2.00  -0.082947 0.098439 -0.275880   0.1099900
  Odds Ratio   6.0  8.00 2.00   0.920400       NA  0.758900   1.1163000
 genh_n - 1:2  2.0  1.00   NA   0.493760 0.745930 -0.968240   1.9558000
  Odds Ratio   2.0  1.00   NA   1.638500       NA  0.379750   7.0693000
 genh_n - 3:2  2.0  3.00   NA  -0.433290 0.431840 -1.279700   0.4131100
  Odds Ratio   2.0  3.00   NA   0.648370       NA  0.278120   1.5115000
 genh_n - 4:2  2.0  4.00   NA  -0.812200 0.490270 -1.773100   0.1487200
  Odds Ratio   2.0  4.00   NA   0.443880       NA  0.169800   1.1603000
 genh_n - 5:2  2.0  5.00   NA  -0.315510 0.620110 -1.530900   0.8998700
  Odds Ratio   2.0  5.00   NA   0.729420       NA  0.216340   2.4593000

Adjusted to: internet30=0 genh_n=2 bmi=27.03416 female=0  

This output is easier to read as a result of using small numeric labels in genh_n, rather than the lengthy labels in genhealth. The sensible things to interpret are the odds ratios.

  • holding all other predictors constant, the effect of moving from internet30 = 0 to internet30 = 1 is that the odds of exerany increase by a factor of 2.77.
    • Suppose Harry and Steve have the same values of all predictors in this model except that Harry used the internet and Steve did not.
    • So the odds of exercising for Harry (who used the internet) are 2.77 times higher than the odds of exercising for Steve (who didn’t use the internet), assuming that all other predictors are the same.
    • We also have a 95% confidence interval for this odds ratio, which is (1.26, 6.07). Since 1 is not in that interval, the data don’t seem to be consistent with internet30 having no effect on exerany.
  • the odds ratio comparing two subjects with the same predictors except that Harry has a BMI of 30.31 (the 75th percentile of observed BMIs in our sample) and Marty has a BMI of 23.9 (the 25th percentile) is that Harry has 0.767 times the odds of exercising that Marty does. So Harry’s probability of exercise will also be lower than Marty’s.
    • The 95% confidence interval in this case is (0.58, 1.01), and because 1 is in that interval, we cannot conclude that the effect of bmi meets the standard for statistical significance at the 5% level.
  • A similar approach can be used to describe the odds ratios associated with each predictor.
  • Note that each of the categories in genh_n is compared to a single baseline category. Here, that’s category 2. R will pick the modal category: the one that appears most often in the data. The comparisons of each category against category 2 are not significant in each case, at the 5% level.

14.7.4 Plotting the Model with ggplot and Predict

Let’s look at a series of plots describing the model on the probability scale.

ggplot(Predict(m1_a, fun = plogis))

This helps us describe what is happening in terms of direction at least. For example,

  • As bmi increases, predicted Pr(exerany) decreases.
  • People who accessed the internet in the past 30 days have higher model probabilities of exercising.

Do any of these plots fail to make sense to you? Is anything moving in a surprising direction?

14.7.5 Plotting the model with a nomogram

plot(nomogram(m1_a, fun = plogis))

Note the impact of our interaction terms, and how we have two lines for bmi and five lines for internet30 that come out of our product terms. As with any nomogram, to make a prediction we:

  1. find the values of each of our predictors in the scales, and travel vertically up to the Points line to read off the Points for that predictor.
  2. sum up the Points across all predictors, and find that location in the Total Points line.
  3. move vertically down from the total points line to find the estimated “linear predictor” (log odds ratio) and finally the “predicted value” (probability of our outcome exerany = 1.)

14.7.6 Checking the Goodness of Fit of our model

To test the goodness of fit, we can use the following omnibus test:

round(residuals(m1_a, type = "gof"),3)
Sum of squared errors     Expected value|H0                    SD 
              158.955               158.740                 0.525 
                    Z                     P 
                0.408                 0.683 

Our non-significant p value suggests that we cannot detect anything that’s obviously wrong in the model in terms of goodness of fit. That’s comforting.

14.8 Refitting Model 2 with simply imputed data

I’ll walk through the same tasks for Model m2 that I did above for Model m1. Again, we’re running this model after simple imputation of missing values.

Using the numeric version of the genhealth data, called genh_n, will ease the reviewing of later output, so we’ll do that here, making sure R knows that genh_n describes a categorical factor.

d <- datadist(smartcle_imp1)
options(datadist = "d")

m2_a <- lrm(exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + 
              female + internet30 * catg(genh_n) + 
              catg(genh_n) %ia% physhealth + female %ia% bmi + 
              menthealth + sleephrs, 
          data = smartcle_imp1, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
Logistic Regression Model
 lrm(formula = exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + female + 
     internet30 * catg(genh_n) + catg(genh_n) %ia% physhealth + 
     female %ia% bmi + menthealth + sleephrs, data = smartcle_imp1, 
     x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs          1033    LR chi2     159.51    R2       0.214    C       0.744    
  0            247    d.f.            22    g        1.051    Dxy     0.487    
  1            786    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.860    gamma   0.487    
 max |deriv| 4e-12                          gp       0.179    tau-a   0.177    
                                            Brier    0.152                     
                       Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept              2.7525 1.9074  1.44  0.1490  
 bmi                   -0.0072 0.0763 -0.09  0.9250  
 bmi'                  -0.2772 0.3288 -0.84  0.3992  
 bmi''                  0.9199 0.9873  0.93  0.3515  
 physhealth             0.0287 0.0905  0.32  0.7514  
 physhealth'           -0.1396 0.3555 -0.39  0.6946  
 female                -0.9550 0.8017 -1.19  0.2336  
 internet30             0.6099 0.7040  0.87  0.3863  
 genh_n=2              -0.5059 0.7507 -0.67  0.5004  
 genh_n=3              -0.8611 0.7053 -1.22  0.2221  
 genh_n=4              -1.1827 0.7535 -1.57  0.1165  
 genh_n=5              -2.6842 1.1987 -2.24  0.0251  
 genh_n=2 * physhealth -0.0253 0.0864 -0.29  0.7698  
 genh_n=3 * physhealth -0.0475 0.0842 -0.56  0.5723  
 genh_n=4 * physhealth -0.0471 0.0842 -0.56  0.5758  
 genh_n=5 * physhealth  0.0497 0.0917  0.54  0.5879  
 female * bmi           0.0111 0.0268  0.41  0.6803  
 menthealth            -0.0200 0.0116 -1.72  0.0859  
 sleephrs              -0.0536 0.0503 -1.07  0.2868  
 internet30 * genh_n=2  0.4193 0.8091  0.52  0.6043  
 internet30 * genh_n=3  0.1624 0.7592  0.21  0.8306  
 internet30 * genh_n=4 -0.1802 0.8176 -0.22  0.8255  
 internet30 * genh_n=5 -1.6615 0.9820 -1.69  0.0907  

All right. We’ve again used 1033 observations, which is correct (after deleting the three with missing exerany. The model shows a Nagelkerke R2 value of 0.214, and a C statistic of 0.744 after imputation. Each of these results are a little better than what we saw with m1_a but only a little. The likelihood ratio (drop in deviance) test is still highly significant.

14.8.1 Validating Summary Statistics

          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.4870   0.5058 0.4590   0.0468          0.4402 40
R2            0.2145   0.2340 0.1849   0.0491          0.1654 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.1729  -0.1729          0.1729 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.8473   0.1527          0.8473 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0692   0.0692          0.0692 40
D             0.1534   0.1695 0.1307   0.0387          0.1147 40
U            -0.0019  -0.0019 0.0041  -0.0060          0.0041 40
Q             0.1554   0.1714 0.1266   0.0448          0.1106 40
B             0.1521   0.1502 0.1567  -0.0065          0.1585 40
g             1.0507   1.1335 0.9626   0.1708          0.8799 40
gp            0.1786   0.1866 0.1642   0.0224          0.1562 40

Again, the model’s description of summary statistics is a little optimistic for both the C statistic and the Nagelkerke R2. In a new sample of data, model m2_a might be better expected to show a C statistic near …

\[ C = 0.5 + \frac{Dxy}{2} = 0.5 + \frac{0.4402}{2} = 0.7201 \]

rather than the 0.744 we saw initially, and that the Nagelkerke R2 in new data will be closer to 0.165, than to the nominal 0.215 we saw above. So, after validation, this model actually looks worse than model m1_a.

Model nominal C nominal R2 validated C validated R2
m1_a 0.741 0.204 0.722 0.170
m2_a 0.744 0.214 0.720 0.165

Again, as we walk through other output for model m2_a, remember that the our ability to discriminate exercisers from non-exercisers is still very much in question using either model.

14.8.2 ANOVA for the model

Next, let’s look at the ANOVA comparisons for this model.

                Wald Statistics          Response: exerany 

 Factor                                             Chi-Square d.f. P     
 bmi  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)                   9.39      4   0.0521
  All Interactions                                    0.17      1   0.6803
  Nonlinear                                           1.46      2   0.4831
 physhealth  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)           11.74      6   0.0680
  All Interactions                                    6.33      4   0.1760
  Nonlinear                                           0.15      1   0.6946
 female  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)               13.25      2   0.0013
  All Interactions                                    0.17      1   0.6803
 internet30  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)           18.03      5   0.0029
  All Interactions                                    7.49      4   0.1121
 genh_n  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)               39.00     12   0.0001
  All Interactions                                   11.80      8   0.1604
 genh_n * physhealth  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)   6.33      4   0.1760
 female * bmi  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)          0.17      1   0.6803
 menthealth                                           2.95      1   0.0859
 sleephrs                                             1.13      1   0.2868
 internet30 * genh_n  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)   7.49      4   0.1121
 TOTAL NONLINEAR                                      1.65      3   0.6474
 TOTAL INTERACTION                                   12.10      9   0.2075
 TOTAL NONLINEAR + INTERACTION                       13.40     12   0.3409
 TOTAL                                              131.03     22   <.0001

Here, it looks like just three of the variables (genhealth, internet30, and female) are carrying statistically significant predictive value.

Here is the AIC plot.

plot(anova(m2_a), what="aic")

14.8.3 Summarizing Effect Size

How big are the effects we see?


             Effects              Response : exerany 

 Factor       Low  High  Diff. Effect     S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
 bmi          23.9 30.31 6.41  -0.4797500 0.221460 -0.913810  -0.045691 
  Odds Ratio  23.9 30.31 6.41   0.6189400       NA  0.400990   0.955340 
 physhealth    0.0  2.00 2.00   0.0055399 0.095955 -0.182530   0.193610 
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   1.0056000       NA  0.833160   1.213600 
 female        0.0  1.00 1.00  -0.6558700 0.183810 -1.016100  -0.295600 
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   0.5189900       NA  0.361990   0.744080 
 internet30    0.0  1.00 1.00   1.0291000 0.401140  0.242910   1.815300 
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   2.7986000       NA  1.275000   6.143200 
 menthealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.0399460 0.023258 -0.085530   0.005638 
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.9608400       NA  0.918030   1.005700 
 sleephrs      6.0  8.00 2.00  -0.1072500 0.100690 -0.304600   0.090096 
  Odds Ratio   6.0  8.00 2.00   0.8983000       NA  0.737420   1.094300 
 genh_n - 1:2  2.0  1.00   NA   0.5059000 0.750690 -0.965430   1.977200 
  Odds Ratio   2.0  1.00   NA   1.6585000       NA  0.380820   7.222700 
 genh_n - 3:2  2.0  3.00   NA  -0.3552100 0.447130 -1.231600   0.521140 
  Odds Ratio   2.0  3.00   NA   0.7010200       NA  0.291830   1.684000 
 genh_n - 4:2  2.0  4.00   NA  -0.6768400 0.517450 -1.691000   0.337350 
  Odds Ratio   2.0  4.00   NA   0.5082200       NA  0.184330   1.401200 
 genh_n - 5:2  2.0  5.00   NA  -2.1783000 1.066000 -4.267700  -0.089045 
  Odds Ratio   2.0  5.00   NA   0.1132300       NA  0.014015   0.914800 

Adjusted to: bmi=27.03416 physhealth=0 female=0 internet30=0 genh_n=2  

This output is easier to read as a result of using small numeric labels in genh_n, rather than the lengthy labels in genhealth. The sensible things to interpret are the odds ratios. For example,

  • holding all other predictors constant, the effect of moving from internet30 = 0 to internet30 = 1 is that the odds of exerany increase by a factor of 2.80.
  • the odds ratio comparing two subjects with the same predictors except that Harry has a BMI of 30.31 (the 75th percentile of observed BMIs in our sample) and Marty has a BMI of 23.9 (the 25th percentile) is that Harry has 0.619 times the odds of exercising that Marty does. So Harry’s probability of exercise will also be lower.

By sex, which group has a larger probability of exerany, holding all other predictors constant, by this model? Females or Males?

14.8.4 Plotting the Model with ggplot and Predict

Again, consider a series of plots describing the model m2_a on the probability scale.

ggplot(Predict(m2_a, fun = plogis))

Note the small kink in the bmi plot. To what do you attribute this?

14.8.5 Plotting the model with a nomogram

plot(nomogram(m2_a, fun = plogis))

Note the impact of our interaction terms, and the cubic splines in bmi and physhealth. As with any nomogram, to make a prediction we:

  1. find the values of each of our predictors in the scales, and travel vertically up to the Points line to read off the Points for that predictor.
  2. sum up the Points across all predictors, and find that location in the Total Points line.
  3. move vertically down from the total points line to find the estimated “linear predictor” (log odds ratio) and finally the “predicted value” (probability of our outcome exerany = 1.)

14.8.6 Checking the Goodness of Fit of our model

To test the goodness of fit, we can use the following omnibus test:

round(residuals(m2_a, type = "gof"),3)
Sum of squared errors     Expected value|H0                    SD 
              157.102               157.011                 0.522 
                    Z                     P 
                0.174                 0.862 

Our non-significant p value suggests that we cannot detect anything that’s obviously wrong in the model in terms of goodness of fit.

14.9 Comparing Model 2 to Model 1 after simple imputation

We can refit the models with glm and then compare them with anova, aic and bic approaches, if we like.

m1_a_glm <- glm(exerany ~ internet30 * factor(genh_n) + 
                    bmi * female + physhealth + menthealth +
                data = smartcle_imp1, 
                family = binomial)

m2_a_glm <- glm(exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + 
              female + internet30 * factor(genh_n) + 
              factor(genh_n) %ia% physhealth + female %ia% bmi + 
              menthealth + sleephrs, 
          data = smartcle_imp1,
          family = binomial)

14.9.1 Comparison by Analysis of Deviance

anova(m1_a_glm, m2_a_glm)
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: exerany ~ internet30 * factor(genh_n) + bmi * female + physhealth + 
    menthealth + sleephrs
Model 2: exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + female + internet30 * 
    factor(genh_n) + factor(genh_n) %ia% physhealth + female %ia% 
    bmi + menthealth + sleephrs
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance
1      1017     985.32            
2      1010     976.89  7   8.4245

To obtain a p value, we can compare this drop in deviance to a \(\chi^2\) distribution with 7 df, as follows:

pchisq(8.4245, 7, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.2966531

So there’s no statistically significant advantage apparent from fitting the larger m2_a model.

14.9.2 Comparing AIC and BIC

# A tibble: 1 x 7
  null.deviance df.null logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
          <dbl>   <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
1         1136.    1032  -493. 1017. 1096.     985.        1017
# A tibble: 1 x 7
  null.deviance df.null logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual
          <dbl>   <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
1         1136.    1032  -488. 1023. 1137.     977.        1010

Model m1_a_glm shows lower AIC and BIC than does m2_a_glm, again suggesting no meaningful advantage for the larger model.

14.10 Dealing with Missing Data via Multiple Imputation

Next, we’ll use the aregImpute function within the Hmisc package to predict all missing values for all of our variables, using additive regression bootstrapping and predictive mean matching. The steps for this work are as follows:

  1. aregImpute draws a sample with replacement from the observations where the target variable is observed, not missing.
  2. aregImpute then fits a flexible additive model to predict this target variable while finding the optimum transformation of it.
  3. aregImpute then uses this fitted flexible model to predict the target variable in all of the original observations.
  4. Finally, aregImpute imputes each missing value of the target variable with the observed value whose predicted transformed value is closest to the predicted transformed value of the missing value.

We’ll start with the smartcle_imp0 data set, which contains only the subjects in the original smartcle1 data where exerany is available, and which includes only the variables of interest to us, including both the factor (genhealth) and numeric (genh_n) versions of the genhealth data.

     SEQNO              exerany         physhealth       menthealth    
 Min.   :2.016e+09   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
 1st Qu.:2.016e+09   1st Qu.:1.0000   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.: 0.000  
 Median :2.016e+09   Median :1.0000   Median : 0.000   Median : 0.000  
 Mean   :2.016e+09   Mean   :0.7609   Mean   : 3.949   Mean   : 2.701  
 3rd Qu.:2.016e+09   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.: 2.000   3rd Qu.: 2.000  
 Max.   :2.016e+09   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :30.000   Max.   :30.000  
                                      NA's   :16       NA's   :11      
       genhealth        bmi            female         internet30    
 1_Excellent:172   Min.   :12.71   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
 2_VeryGood :350   1st Qu.:23.70   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:1.0000  
 3_Good     :344   Median :26.68   Median :1.0000   Median :1.0000  
 4_Fair     :121   Mean   :27.85   Mean   :0.6012   Mean   :0.8101  
 5_Poor     : 43   3rd Qu.:30.53   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
 NA's       :  3   Max.   :66.06   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
                   NA's   :83                       NA's   :6       
    sleephrs          genh_n     
 Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :1.000  
 1st Qu.: 6.000   1st Qu.:2.000  
 Median : 7.000   Median :2.000  
 Mean   : 7.022   Mean   :2.527  
 3rd Qu.: 8.000   3rd Qu.:3.000  
 Max.   :20.000   Max.   :5.000  
 NA's   :7        NA's   :3      

The smartcle_imp0 data set contains 1033 rows (subjects) and 10 columns (variables.)

14.10.1 Using aregImpute to fit a multiple imputation model

To set up aregImpute here, we’ll need to specify:

  • a suitable random seed with set.seed so we can replicate our work later
  • a data set via the datadist stuff shown below
  • the variables we want to include in the imputation process, which should include, at a minimum, any variables with missing values, and any variables we want to include in our outcome models
  • n.impute = number of imputations, we’ll run 20 here10
  • nk = number of knots to describe level of complexity, with our choice nk = c(0, 3) we’ll fit both linear models and models with restricted cubic splines with 3 knots (this approach will wind up throwing some warnings here because some of our variables with missing values have only a few options so fitting splines is tough.)
  • tlinear = FALSE allows the target variable for imputation to have a non-linear transformation when nk is 3 or more. Here, I’ll use tlinear = TRUE, the default.
  • B = 10 specifies 10 bootstrap samples will be used
  • pr = FALSE tells the machine not to print out which iteration is running as it goes.
  • data specifies the source of the variables
dd <- datadist(smartcle_imp0)
options(datadist = "dd")

imp_fit <- aregImpute(~ exerany + physhealth + menthealth +
                          genh_n + bmi + female + 
                          internet30 + sleephrs, 
                   nk = c(0, 3), tlinear = TRUE,
                   data = smartcle_imp0, B = 10, 
                   n.impute = 20, pr = FALSE) 

OK. Here is the imputation model. The summary here isn’t especially critical. We want to see what was run, but to see what the results look like, we’ll need a plot, to come.


Multiple Imputation using Bootstrap and PMM

aregImpute(formula = ~exerany + physhealth + menthealth + genh_n + 
    bmi + female + internet30 + sleephrs, data = smartcle_imp0, 
    n.impute = 20, nk = c(0, 3), tlinear = TRUE, pr = FALSE, 
    B = 10)

n: 1033     p: 8    Imputations: 20     nk: 0 

Number of NAs:
   exerany physhealth menthealth     genh_n        bmi     female 
         0         16         11          3         83          0 
internet30   sleephrs 
         6          7 

           type d.f.
exerany       l    1
physhealth    s    1
menthealth    s    1
genh_n        s    1
bmi           s    1
female        l    1
internet30    l    1
sleephrs      s    1

Transformation of Target Variables Forced to be Linear

R-squares for Predicting Non-Missing Values for Each Variable
Using Last Imputations of Predictors
physhealth menthealth     genh_n        bmi internet30   sleephrs 
     0.336      0.107      0.304      0.127      0.111      0.056 

Resampling results for determining the complexity of imputation models

Variable being imputed: physhealth 
                                         nk=0  nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2            0.289 0.399
10-fold cross-validated  R^2            0.288 0.381
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error| 4.911 4.014
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 4.253 4.091
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error| 3.261 1.784
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 0.896 0.666

Variable being imputed: menthealth 
                                         nk=0  nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2            0.103 0.116
10-fold cross-validated  R^2            0.110 0.128
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error| 3.660 3.651
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 3.018 3.075
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error| 1.957 1.780
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 0.715 0.786

Variable being imputed: genh_n 
                                         nk=0  nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2            0.323 0.319
10-fold cross-validated  R^2            0.324 0.323
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error| 0.690 0.691
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 2.537 2.538
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error| 0.644 0.648
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 2.555 2.571

Variable being imputed: bmi 
                                           nk=0    nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2             0.0715  0.0919
10-fold cross-validated  R^2             0.0825  0.0892
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error|  4.5861  4.5264
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 27.8377 27.8712
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error|  3.5091  3.5217
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 26.8401 26.7857

Variable being imputed: internet30 
                                          nk=0   nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2            0.0843 0.0760
10-fold cross-validated  R^2            0.1016 0.0825
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error| 0.2798 0.2857
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 0.9636 0.9594
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error| 0.1883 0.1819
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 0.7757 0.7467

Variable being imputed: sleephrs 
                                          nk=0    nk=3
Bootstrap bias-corrected R^2            0.0075 -0.0072
10-fold cross-validated  R^2            0.0330  0.0149
Bootstrap bias-corrected mean   |error| 1.0102  1.0506
10-fold cross-validated  mean   |error| 7.0313  7.0163
Bootstrap bias-corrected median |error| 0.9287  0.9000
10-fold cross-validated  median |error| 7.0066  6.9739

OK, let’s plot these imputed values. Note that we had six predictors with missing values in our data set, and so if we plot each of those, we’ll wind up with six plots. I’ll arrange them in a grid with three rows and two columns.

par(mfrow = c(3,2))

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

From these cumulative distribution functions, we can see that, for example,

  • we imputed bmi values mostly between 20 and 35, with a few values below 20 or above 40.
  • most of our imputed sleephrs were between 5 and 10
  • we imputed 1 for internet30 for about 70% of the subjects, and 0 for the other 30%.

This predictive mean matching method never imputes a value for a variable that does not already exist in the data.

14.11 Combining the Imputation and Outcome Models

So, now we have an imputation model, called imp_fit. and two outcome models: m1 and m2. What do we do with them?

14.11.1 Model 1 with Multiple Imputation

To build the m1_imp multiple imputation fit for model m1, we use the fit.mult.impute command, and specify the model, the fitter (here, lrm), the imputation model (xtrans = imp_fit) and the data set prior to imputation (smartcle_imp0).

m1_imp <- fit.mult.impute(exerany ~ 
            internet30 * catg(genh_n) + bmi * female +
            physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs,
            fitter = lrm, xtrans = imp_fit,
            data = smartcle_imp0, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

Variance Inflation Factors Due to Imputation:

            Intercept            internet30              genh_n=2 
                 1.03                  1.00                  1.01 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
                 1.00                  1.01                  1.02 
                  bmi                female            physhealth 
                 1.06                  1.08                  1.05 
           menthealth              sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 
                 1.01                  1.02                  1.01 
internet30 * genh_n=3 internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
                 1.00                  1.01                  1.03 
         bmi * female 

Rate of Missing Information:

            Intercept            internet30              genh_n=2 
                 0.03                  0.00                  0.01 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
                 0.00                  0.01                  0.02 
                  bmi                female            physhealth 
                 0.05                  0.07                  0.04 
           menthealth              sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 
                 0.01                  0.02                  0.01 
internet30 * genh_n=3 internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
                 0.00                  0.01                  0.03 
         bmi * female 

d.f. for t-distribution for Tests of Single Coefficients:

            Intercept            internet30              genh_n=2 
             21695.29            4552554.82             342982.63 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
           2393040.31             340219.46              43771.65 
                  bmi                female            physhealth 
              6985.80               3594.27               9984.27 
           menthealth              sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 
             87510.83              39656.28             292980.96 
internet30 * genh_n=3 internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
           6057039.66             610087.87              23370.34 
         bmi * female 

The following fit components were averaged over the 20 model fits:

  stats linear.predictors 

OK. Let’s get the familiar description of an lrm model, after this multiple imputation.

Logistic Regression Model
 fit.mult.impute(formula = exerany ~ internet30 * catg(genh_n) + 
     bmi * female + physhealth + menthealth + sleephrs, fitter = lrm, 
     xtrans = imp_fit, data = smartcle_imp0, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs          1033    LR chi2     153.52    R2       0.207    C       0.743    
  0            247    d.f.            15    g        1.031    Dxy     0.487    
  1            786    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.803    gamma   0.487    
 max |deriv| 1e-12                          gp       0.176    tau-a   0.177    
                                            Brier    0.153                     
                       Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept              3.3183 0.9782  3.39  0.0007  
 internet30             0.6499 0.7013  0.93  0.3540  
 genh_n=2              -0.4613 0.7507 -0.61  0.5389  
 genh_n=3              -0.9069 0.6978 -1.30  0.1937  
 genh_n=4              -1.3287 0.7392 -1.80  0.0722  
 genh_n=5              -0.9257 0.8342 -1.11  0.2671  
 bmi                   -0.0408 0.0216 -1.89  0.0588  
 female                -0.9153 0.7786 -1.18  0.2398  
 physhealth            -0.0234 0.0103 -2.27  0.0235  
 menthealth            -0.0192 0.0115 -1.68  0.0934  
 sleephrs              -0.0407 0.0496 -0.82  0.4120  
 internet30 * genh_n=2  0.3503 0.8117  0.43  0.6661  
 internet30 * genh_n=3  0.1110 0.7549  0.15  0.8832  
 internet30 * genh_n=4 -0.1851 0.8117 -0.23  0.8196  
 internet30 * genh_n=5 -1.2268 0.9748 -1.26  0.2082  
 bmi * female           0.0108 0.0263  0.41  0.6822  

We can obtain an ANOVA plot and an AIC plot to look at the predictors:

par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(anova(m1_imp), what="aic")

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

Here’s the summary of effect sizes.

             Effects              Response : exerany 

 Factor       Low  High  Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
 internet30    0.0  1.00 1.00   1.000300 0.411430  0.193880   1.8066000
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   2.719000       NA  1.214000   6.0899000
 bmi          23.7 30.53 6.83  -0.279000 0.147670 -0.568430   0.0104310
  Odds Ratio  23.7 30.53 6.83   0.756540       NA  0.566410   1.0105000
 female        0.0  1.00 1.00  -0.628260 0.181140 -0.983290  -0.2732400
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   0.533520       NA  0.374080   0.7609100
 physhealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.046783 0.020654 -0.087264  -0.0063023
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.954290       NA  0.916440   0.9937200
 menthealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.038477 0.022932 -0.083422   0.0064689
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.962250       NA  0.919960   1.0065000
 sleephrs      6.0  8.00 2.00  -0.081454 0.099287 -0.276050   0.1131500
  Odds Ratio   6.0  8.00 2.00   0.921770       NA  0.758770   1.1198000
 genh_n - 1:2  2.0  1.00   NA   0.461310 0.750680 -1.010000   1.9326000
  Odds Ratio   2.0  1.00   NA   1.586200       NA  0.364220   6.9076000
 genh_n - 3:2  2.0  3.00   NA  -0.445620 0.442710 -1.313300   0.4220800
  Odds Ratio   2.0  3.00   NA   0.640430       NA  0.268930   1.5251000
 genh_n - 4:2  2.0  4.00   NA  -0.867380 0.500240 -1.847800   0.1130700
  Odds Ratio   2.0  4.00   NA   0.420050       NA  0.157580   1.1197000
 genh_n - 5:2  2.0  5.00   NA  -0.464420 0.626480 -1.692300   0.7634700
  Odds Ratio   2.0  5.00   NA   0.628500       NA  0.184090   2.1457000

Adjusted to: internet30=0 genh_n=2 bmi=26.68 female=0  

And here is the nomogram.

plot(nomogram(m1_imp, fun = plogis))

Here are the descriptive model plots, on the original probability scale for our exerany outcome:

ggplot(Predict(m1_imp), fun = plogis)

We can still do things like validate the summary statistics, too.

          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.4889   0.5155 0.4739   0.0416          0.4473 40
R2            0.2070   0.2299 0.1912   0.0388          0.1682 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.1047  -0.1047          0.1047 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.8922   0.1078          0.8922 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0442   0.0442          0.0442 40
D             0.1476   0.1659 0.1355   0.0304          0.1173 40
U            -0.0019  -0.0019 0.0022  -0.0041          0.0022 40
Q             0.1496   0.1678 0.1333   0.0345          0.1151 40
B             0.1533   0.1499 0.1563  -0.0064          0.1597 40
g             1.0307   1.1056 0.9773   0.1283          0.9024 40
gp            0.1764   0.1851 0.1686   0.0165          0.1599 40

14.11.2 Model 2 with Multiple Imputation

The same approach is used to build the m2_imp multiple imputation fit for model m2, using the fit.mult.impute command, and specifying the model, the fitter (here, lrm), the imputation model (xtrans = imp_fit) and the data set prior to imputation (smartcle_imp0).

m2_imp <- fit.mult.impute(exerany ~ 
            rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 5) + 
            female + internet30 * catg(genh_n) + 
            catg(genh_n) %ia% physhealth + female %ia% bmi + 
            menthealth + sleephrs,
            fitter = lrm, xtrans = imp_fit,
            data = smartcle_imp0, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

Variance Inflation Factors Due to Imputation:

            Intercept                   bmi                  bmi' 
                 1.07                  1.08                  1.06 
                bmi''            physhealth           physhealth' 
                 1.06                  1.04                  1.02 
               female            internet30              genh_n=2 
                 1.08                  1.00                  1.01 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
                 1.00                  1.01                  1.01 
genh_n=2 * physhealth genh_n=3 * physhealth genh_n=4 * physhealth 
                 1.03                  1.03                  1.02 
genh_n=5 * physhealth          female * bmi            menthealth 
                 1.03                  1.09                  1.01 
             sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 internet30 * genh_n=3 
                 1.03                  1.01                  1.00 
internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
                 1.01                  1.04 

Rate of Missing Information:

            Intercept                   bmi                  bmi' 
                 0.07                  0.07                  0.06 
                bmi''            physhealth           physhealth' 
                 0.06                  0.04                  0.02 
               female            internet30              genh_n=2 
                 0.08                  0.00                  0.01 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
                 0.00                  0.01                  0.01 
genh_n=2 * physhealth genh_n=3 * physhealth genh_n=4 * physhealth 
                 0.03                  0.03                  0.02 
genh_n=5 * physhealth          female * bmi            menthealth 
                 0.03                  0.08                  0.01 
             sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 internet30 * genh_n=3 
                 0.03                  0.01                  0.00 
internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
                 0.01                  0.04 

d.f. for t-distribution for Tests of Single Coefficients:

            Intercept                   bmi                  bmi' 
              4380.39               3700.10               5557.48 
                bmi''            physhealth           physhealth' 
              5611.05              14728.96              42868.19 
               female            internet30              genh_n=2 
              3252.44            3009564.42             305690.58 
             genh_n=3              genh_n=4              genh_n=5 
           1329373.30             318205.87             190432.29 
genh_n=2 * physhealth genh_n=3 * physhealth genh_n=4 * physhealth 
             21003.64              22615.76              38202.98 
genh_n=5 * physhealth          female * bmi            menthealth 
             21998.83               3002.51             111867.55 
             sleephrs internet30 * genh_n=2 internet30 * genh_n=3 
             26186.82             211617.58            2865315.54 
internet30 * genh_n=4 internet30 * genh_n=5 
            551890.44              10977.39 

The following fit components were averaged over the 20 model fits:

  stats linear.predictors 

OK. Let’s get the familiar description of an lrm model, after this multiple imputation.

Logistic Regression Model
 fit.mult.impute(formula = exerany ~ rcs(bmi, 4) + rcs(physhealth, 
     5) + female + internet30 * catg(genh_n) + catg(genh_n) %ia% 
     physhealth + female %ia% bmi + menthealth + sleephrs, fitter = lrm, 
     xtrans = imp_fit, data = smartcle_imp0, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
                       Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                          Ratio Test           Indexes           Indexes       
 Obs          1033    LR chi2     162.26    R2       0.218    C       0.746    
  0            247    d.f.            22    g        1.062    Dxy     0.492    
  1            786    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.892    gamma   0.492    
 max |deriv| 5e-12                          gp       0.180    tau-a   0.179    
                                            Brier    0.152                     
                       Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
 Intercept              2.9915 1.9954  1.50  0.1338  
 bmi                   -0.0164 0.0812 -0.20  0.8397  
 bmi'                  -0.2350 0.3356 -0.70  0.4837  
 bmi''                  0.7236 0.9089  0.80  0.4260  
 physhealth             0.0261 0.0862  0.30  0.7624  
 physhealth'           -0.2434 0.3696 -0.66  0.5102  
 female                -0.9680 0.8140 -1.19  0.2344  
 internet30             0.6182 0.7059  0.88  0.3812  
 genh_n=2              -0.4851 0.7558 -0.64  0.5210  
 genh_n=3              -0.8620 0.7066 -1.22  0.2225  
 genh_n=4              -1.2144 0.7554 -1.61  0.1079  
 genh_n=5              -2.7928 1.2040 -2.32  0.0204  
 genh_n=2 * physhealth -0.0061 0.0803 -0.08  0.9397  
 genh_n=3 * physhealth -0.0325 0.0775 -0.42  0.6750  
 genh_n=4 * physhealth -0.0322 0.0772 -0.42  0.6766  
 genh_n=5 * physhealth  0.0634 0.0856  0.74  0.4591  
 female * bmi           0.0111 0.0272  0.41  0.6831  
 menthealth            -0.0197 0.0117 -1.68  0.0923  
 sleephrs              -0.0554 0.0510 -1.09  0.2774  
 internet30 * genh_n=2  0.3882 0.8163  0.48  0.6344  
 internet30 * genh_n=3  0.1368 0.7617  0.18  0.8575  
 internet30 * genh_n=4 -0.1712 0.8203 -0.21  0.8347  
 internet30 * genh_n=5 -1.4939 0.9985 -1.50  0.1346  

We can obtain an ANOVA plot and an AIC plot to look at the predictors:

par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(anova(m2_imp), what="aic")

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

Here’s the summary of effect sizes.

             Effects              Response : exerany 

 Factor       Low  High  Diff. Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
 bmi          23.7 30.53 6.83  -0.498810 0.233540 -0.956540  -0.0410830
  Odds Ratio  23.7 30.53 6.83   0.607250       NA  0.384220   0.9597500
 physhealth    0.0  2.00 2.00   0.037808 0.100250 -0.158680   0.2343000
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   1.038500       NA  0.853270   1.2640000
 female        0.0  1.00 1.00  -0.671780 0.189360 -1.042900  -0.3006400
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   0.510800       NA  0.352420   0.7403400
 internet30    0.0  1.00 1.00   1.006400 0.412260  0.198370   1.8144000
  Odds Ratio   0.0  1.00 1.00   2.735700       NA  1.219400   6.1374000
 menthealth    0.0  2.00 2.00  -0.039395 0.023405 -0.085267   0.0064773
  Odds Ratio   0.0  2.00 2.00   0.961370       NA  0.918270   1.0065000
 sleephrs      6.0  8.00 2.00  -0.110820 0.102030 -0.310800   0.0891530
  Odds Ratio   6.0  8.00 2.00   0.895100       NA  0.732860   1.0932000
 genh_n - 1:2  2.0  1.00   NA   0.485110 0.755780 -0.996190   1.9664000
  Odds Ratio   2.0  1.00   NA   1.624400       NA  0.369290   7.1450000
 genh_n - 3:2  2.0  3.00   NA  -0.376840 0.455990 -1.270600   0.5168800
  Odds Ratio   2.0  3.00   NA   0.686030       NA  0.280670   1.6768000
 genh_n - 4:2  2.0  4.00   NA  -0.729310 0.526230 -1.760700   0.3020700
  Odds Ratio   2.0  4.00   NA   0.482240       NA  0.171920   1.3527000
 genh_n - 5:2  2.0  5.00   NA  -2.307700 1.074000 -4.412600  -0.2026900
  Odds Ratio   2.0  5.00   NA   0.099493       NA  0.012123   0.8165300

Adjusted to: bmi=26.68 physhealth=0 female=0 internet30=0 genh_n=2  

And here is the nomogram.

plot(nomogram(m2_imp, fun = plogis))

Here are the descriptive model plots, on the scale of Pr(exerany = 1):

ggplot(Predict(m2_imp), fun = plogis)

Validation of summary statistics:

          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.4950   0.5193 0.4672   0.0521          0.4430 40
R2            0.2179   0.2461 0.1885   0.0576          0.1603 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.1847  -0.1847          0.1847 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.8311   0.1689          0.8311 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0759   0.0759          0.0759 40
D             0.1561   0.1787 0.1335   0.0452          0.1109 40
U            -0.0019  -0.0019 0.0054  -0.0073          0.0054 40
Q             0.1580   0.1807 0.1281   0.0526          0.1055 40
B             0.1514   0.1473 0.1557  -0.0084          0.1598 40
g             1.0618   1.1583 0.9678   0.1905          0.8713 40
gp            0.1801   0.1901 0.1651   0.0250          0.1551 40

14.12 Models with and without Imputation

Model 1 1 2 2
Imputation Simple Multiple Sim. Mult.
nominal R2 0.204 0.204 0.214 0.218
nominal C 0.741 0.741 0.744 0.746
validated R2 0.170 0.168 0.165 0.160
validated C 0.722 0.724 0.720 0.722

So, what can we conclude about the discrimination results?

  1. 100 is generally safe but time-consuming. In the old days, we used to say 5. A reasonable idea is to identify the fraction of missingness in your variable with the most missingness, and if that’s 0.10, then you should run at least 100(0.10) = 10 sets of imputations.