Chapter 33 BMI and Employment Study

This chapter was developed in 2018 and 2019. I didn’t bother to revise it to focus on the approaches we’ve taken this year in 431, again, in part to get this in your hands in a timely way, and in part to let you see some other options. Another nice feature is that it uses the mice package to do some multiple imputation. While we’ll have other approaches for this in 432, at least you’ll see one possibility.

33.1 The Data

A 2016 study published in BMJ Open looked at the differential relationship between employment status and body-mass index among middle-aged and elderly adults living in South Korea. Data from this study were available online thanks to the Dryad data package. The original data came from a nationally representative sample of 7228 participants in the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging. I sampled these data, and did some data “rectangling” (wrangling) to build the emp_bmi.csv file on our web site.

The available data in emp_bmi describe 999 subjects, and included are 8 variables:

Variable Description NA?
pid subject identification number (categorical) 0
bmi our outcome, quantitative, body-mass index 0
age subject’s age (between 51 and 95) 1
gender subject’s gender (male or female) 0
employed employment status indicator (1/0) 1
married marital status indicator (1/0) 1
alcohol 3-level factor 2
education 4-level factor 5

 8  Variables      999  Observations
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     999        0      999        1    31774    20178     3506     6961 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
   16671    31761    46902    54635    58433 

lowest :    22    41    52    82   112, highest: 61471 61481 61532 61641 61691
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     999        0      373        1    23.24    2.808    19.21    20.13 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
   21.54    23.24    24.78    26.56    27.34 

lowest : 15.60 15.63 16.22 16.44 16.53, highest: 31.11 31.24 32.05 33.50 34.67
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     998        1       43    0.999    66.29    11.56       52       53 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      57       66       74       81       83 

lowest : 51 52 53 54 55, highest: 89 90 92 93 95
       n  missing distinct 
     999        0        2 
Value      female   male
Frequency     570    429
Proportion  0.571  0.429
       n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
     998        1        2    0.723      404   0.4048   0.4824 

       n  missing distinct     Info      Sum     Mean      Gmd 
     998        1        2    0.548      758   0.7595   0.3657 

       n  missing distinct 
     997        2        3 
Value                  alcohol dependent                 heavy drinker
Frequency                             45                           306
Proportion                         0.045                         0.307
Value      normal drinker or non-drinker
Frequency                            646
Proportion                         0.648
       n  missing distinct 
     994        5        4 
Value      1 elem school grad or lower        2 middle school grad
Frequency                          421                         180
Proportion                       0.424                       0.181
Value               3 high school grad    4 college grad or higher
Frequency                          292                         101
Proportion                       0.294                       0.102

33.1.1 Specifying Outcome and Predictors for our Model

In the original study, a key goal was to understand the relationship between employment and body-mass index. Our goal in this example will be to create a model to predict bmi focusing on employment status (so our key predictor is employed) while accounting for the additional predictors age, gender, married, alcohol and education. A natural thing to do would be to consider interactions of these predictor variables (for example, does the relationship between bmi and employed change when comparing men to women?) but we’ll postpone that discussion until 432.

33.1.2 Dealing with Missing Predictor Values


Attaching package: 'mice'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    cbind, rbind

    pid bmi gender age employed married alcohol education   
990   1   1      1   1        1       1       1         1  0
5     1   1      1   1        1       1       1         0  1
1     1   1      1   1        1       1       0         1  1
1     1   1      1   1        1       0       1         1  1
1     1   1      1   1        0       1       1         1  1
1     1   1      1   0        1       1       0         1  2
      0   0      0   1        1       1       2         5 10

We will eventually build a model to predict bmi using all of the other variables besides pid. So we’ll eventually have to account for the 9 people with missing values (one of whom has two missing values, as we see above.) What I’m going to do in this example is to first build a complete-case analysis on the 990 subjects without missing values and then, later, do multiple imputation to account for the 9 subjects with missing values (and their 10 actual missing values) sensibly.

I’ll put the “complete cases” data set of 990 subjects in emp_bmi_noNA.

emp_bmi_noNA <- emp_bmi %>% na.omit
# A tibble: 990 x 8
     pid   bmi   age gender employed married alcohol           education        
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>             <chr>            
 1    22  20.8    58 male          1       1 heavy drinker     4 college grad o~
 2    41  21.4    76 female        0       1 normal drinker o~ 1 elem school gr~
 3    52  20.9    66 female        1       1 heavy drinker     1 elem school gr~
 4    82  23.7    67 male          1       1 alcohol dependent 2 middle school ~
 5   112  25.5    63 female        0       1 heavy drinker     1 elem school gr~
 6   181  20.5    51 female        1       1 heavy drinker     3 high school gr~
 7   182  25.3    51 male          1       1 alcohol dependent 3 high school gr~
 8   411  20.8    66 female        1       1 normal drinker o~ 2 middle school ~
 9   491  20.8    64 female        0       1 normal drinker o~ 3 high school gr~
10   531  24.3    84 female        0       0 normal drinker o~ 1 elem school gr~
# ... with 980 more rows
      pid       bmi       age    gender  employed   married   alcohol education 
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 

33.2 The “Kitchen Sink” Model

A “kitchen sink” model includes all available predictors.

ebmodel.1 <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + 
                    alcohol + education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

lm(formula = bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + alcohol + 
    education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-7.7033 -1.6057 -0.0494  1.4992 11.7303 

                                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                          26.15391    0.88356  29.601  < 2e-16 ***
age                                  -0.04260    0.01065  -3.998 6.86e-05 ***
gendermale                            0.29811    0.20271   1.471   0.1417    
employed                             -0.45761    0.19153  -2.389   0.0171 *  
married                               0.09438    0.21280   0.444   0.6575    
alcoholheavy drinker                  0.25317    0.40727   0.622   0.5343    
alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker  0.14121    0.40766   0.346   0.7291    
education2 middle school grad        -0.28862    0.24020  -1.202   0.2298    
education3 high school grad          -0.50123    0.22192  -2.259   0.0241 *  
education4 college grad or higher    -0.79862    0.31068  -2.571   0.0103 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.513 on 980 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.02251,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.01353 
F-statistic: 2.508 on 9 and 980 DF,  p-value: 0.007716

33.3 Using Categorical Variables (Factors) as Predictors

We have six predictors here, and five of them are categorical. Note that R recognizes each kind of variable in this case and models them appropriately. Let’s look at the coefficients of our model.

33.3.1 gender: A binary variable represented by letters

The gender variable contains the two categories: male and female, and R recognizes this as a factor. When building a regression model with such a variable, R assigns the first of the two levels of the factor to the baseline, and includes in the model an indicator variable for the second level. By default, R assigns each factor a level order alphabetically.

So, in this case, we have:


As you see in the model, the gender information is captured by the indicator variable gendermale, which is 1 when gender = male and 0 otherwise.

So, when our model includes:

Coefficients:     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
gendermale         0.29811    0.20271   1.471   0.1417    

this means that a male subject is predicted to have an outcome that is 0.29811 points higher than a female subject, if they have the same values of all of the other predictors.

Note that if we wanted to switch the levels so that “male” came first (and so that R would use “male” as the baseline category and “female” as the 1 value in an indicator), we could do so with the forcats package and the fct_relevel command. Building a model with this version of gender will simply reverse the sign of our indicator variable, but not change any of the other output.

emp_bmi_noNA$gender.2 <- fct_relevel(emp_bmi_noNA$gender, "male", "female")
revised.model <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender.2 + employed + married + 
                    alcohol + education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

lm(formula = bmi ~ age + gender.2 + employed + married + alcohol + 
    education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-7.7033 -1.6057 -0.0494  1.4992 11.7303 

                                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                          26.45202    0.94648  27.948  < 2e-16 ***
age                                  -0.04260    0.01065  -3.998 6.86e-05 ***
gender.2female                       -0.29811    0.20271  -1.471   0.1417    
employed                             -0.45761    0.19153  -2.389   0.0171 *  
married                               0.09438    0.21280   0.444   0.6575    
alcoholheavy drinker                  0.25317    0.40727   0.622   0.5343    
alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker  0.14121    0.40766   0.346   0.7291    
education2 middle school grad        -0.28862    0.24020  -1.202   0.2298    
education3 high school grad          -0.50123    0.22192  -2.259   0.0241 *  
education4 college grad or higher    -0.79862    0.31068  -2.571   0.0103 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.513 on 980 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.02251,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.01353 
F-statistic: 2.508 on 9 and 980 DF,  p-value: 0.007716

Note that the two categories here need to be both mutually exclusive (a subject cannot be in more than one category) and collectively exhaustive (all subjects must fit into this set of categories) in order to work properly as a regression predictor.

33.3.2 employed: A binary variable represented a 1/0 indicator

The employed and married variables are each described using an indicator variable, which is 1 if the condition of interest holds and 0 if it does not. R doesn’t recognize this as a factor, but rather as a quantitative variable. However, this is no problem for modeling, where we just need to remember that if employed = 1, the subject is employed, and if employed = 0, the subject is not employed, to interpret the results. The same approach is used for married.

Coefficients:    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
employed         -0.45761    0.19153  -2.389   0.0171 *  
married           0.09438    0.21280   0.444   0.6575    

So, in our model, if subject A is employed, they are expected to have an outcome that is 0.46 points lower (-0.46 points higher) than subject B who is not employed but otherwise identical to subject A.

Similarly, if subject X is married, and subject Y is unmarried, but they otherwise have the same values of all predictors, then our model will predict a bmi for X that is 0.094 points higher than for Y.

33.3.3 alcohol: A three-category variable coded by names

Our alcohol information divides subjects into three categories, which are:

  • normal drinker or non-drinker
  • heavy drinker
  • alcohol dependent

R builds a model using \(k-1\) predictors to describe a variable with \(k\) levels. As mentioned previously, R selects a baseline category when confronted with a factor variable, and it always selects the first level as the baseline. The levels are sorted alphabetically, unless we tell R to sort them some other way. So, we have

Coefficients:                        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
alcoholheavy drinker                  0.25317    0.40727   0.622   0.5343    
alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker  0.14121    0.40766   0.346   0.7291    

How do we interpret this?

  • Suppose subject A is alcohol dependent, B is a heavy drinker and C is a normal drinker or non-drinker, but subjects A-C have the same values of all other predictors.
  • Our model predicts that B would have a BMI that is 0.25 points higher than A.
  • Our model predicts that C would have a BMI that is 0.14 points higher than A.

A good way to think about this…

Subject Status alcoholheavy drinker alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker
A alcohol dependent 0 0
B heavy drinker 1 0
C normal drinker or non-drinker 0 1

and so, with two variables, we cover each of these three possible alcohol levels.

When we have an ordered variable like this one, we usually want the baseline category to be at either end of the scale (either the highest or the lowest, but not something in the middle.) Another good idea in many settings is to use as the baseline category the most common category. Here, the baseline R chose was “alcohol dependent” which is the least common category, so I might want to use the fct_relevel function again to force R to choose, say, normal drinker/non-drinker as the baseline category.

emp_bmi_noNA$alcohol.2 <- fct_relevel(emp_bmi_noNA$alcohol, 
           "normal drinker or non-drinker", "heavy drinker")
revised.model.2 <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + 
                    alcohol.2 + education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

lm(formula = bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + alcohol.2 + 
    education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-7.7033 -1.6057 -0.0494  1.4992 11.7303 

                                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                       26.29512    0.82860  31.734  < 2e-16 ***
age                               -0.04260    0.01065  -3.998 6.86e-05 ***
gendermale                         0.29811    0.20271   1.471   0.1417    
employed                          -0.45761    0.19153  -2.389   0.0171 *  
married                            0.09438    0.21280   0.444   0.6575    
alcohol.2heavy drinker             0.11196    0.19647   0.570   0.5689    
alcohol.2alcohol dependent        -0.14121    0.40766  -0.346   0.7291    
education2 middle school grad     -0.28862    0.24020  -1.202   0.2298    
education3 high school grad       -0.50123    0.22192  -2.259   0.0241 *  
education4 college grad or higher -0.79862    0.31068  -2.571   0.0103 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 2.513 on 980 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.02251,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.01353 
F-statistic: 2.508 on 9 and 980 DF,  p-value: 0.007716

How do we interpret this revised model?

  • Again, subject A is alcohol dependent, B is a heavy drinker and C is a normal drinker or non-drinker, but subjects A-C have the same values of all other predictors.
  • Our model predicts that B would have a BMI that is 0.11 points higher than C.
  • Our model predicts that A would have a BMI that is 0.14 points lower than C.

So, those are the same conclusions, just rephrased.

33.3.4 t tests and multi-categorical variables

The usual “last predictor in” t test works perfectly for binary factors, but suppose we have a factor like alcohol which is represented by two different indicator variables. If we want to know whether the alcohol information, as a group, adds statistically significant value to the model that includes all of the other predictors, then our best strategy is to compare two models - one with the alcohol information, and one without.

model.with.a <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender + alcohol + employed + married + education, 
                   data = emp_bmi_noNA) <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + education, 
                 data = emp_bmi_noNA)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: bmi ~ age + gender + alcohol + employed + married + education
Model 2: bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + education
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1    980 6189.9                           
2    982 6193.6 -2   -3.6288 0.2873 0.7504

The p value for both of the indicator variables associated with alcohol combined is 0.75, according to an ANOVA F test with 2 degrees of freedom.

Note that we can get the same information from an ANOVA table of the larger model if we add the alcohol predictor to the model last.

anova(lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + education + alcohol, 
         data = emp_bmi_noNA))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: bmi
           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
age         1   55.5  55.510  8.7884 0.003105 **
gender      1    0.4   0.369  0.0585 0.809000   
employed    1   30.7  30.733  4.8657 0.027626 * 
married     1    0.4   0.374  0.0592 0.807746   
education   3   51.9  17.311  2.7408 0.042202 * 
alcohol     2    3.6   1.814  0.2873 0.750382   
Residuals 980 6189.9   6.316                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Again, we see p for the two alcohol indicators is 0.75.

33.3.5 education: A four-category variable coded by names

The education variable’s codes are a little better designed. By preceding the text with a number for each code, we force R to attend to the level order we want to see.

Coefficients:                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
education2 middle school grad     -0.28862    0.24020  -1.202   0.2298    
education3 high school grad       -0.50123    0.22192  -2.259   0.0241 *  
education4 college grad or higher -0.79862    0.31068  -2.571   0.0103 *  

Since we have four education levels, we need those three indicator variables.

  • education2 middle school grad is 1 if the subject is a middle school graduate, and 0 if they have some other status
  • education3 high school grad is 1 if the subject is a high school graduate, and 0 if they have some other status
  • education4 college grad or higher is 1 if the subject is a college graduate or has more education, and 0 if they have some other status.
  • So the subjects with only elementary school or lower education are represented by zeros in all three indicators.

Suppose we have four subjects now, with the same values of all other predictors, but different levels of education.

Subject Education Estimated BMI
A elementary school or less A
B middle school grad A - 0.289
C high school grad A - 0.501
D college grad A - 0.799

Note that the four categories are mutually exclusive (a subject cannot be in more than one category) and collectively exhaustive (all subjects must fit into this set of categories.) As we have seen, this is a requirement of categorical variables in a regression analysis.

Let’s run the ANOVA test for the education information captured in those three indicator variables…

anova(lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + alcohol + education, 
         data = emp_bmi_noNA))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: bmi
           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
age         1   55.5  55.510  8.7884 0.003105 **
gender      1    0.4   0.369  0.0585 0.809000   
employed    1   30.7  30.733  4.8657 0.027626 * 
married     1    0.4   0.374  0.0592 0.807746   
alcohol     2    3.5   1.750  0.2771 0.758055   
education   3   52.1  17.354  2.7476 0.041820 * 
Residuals 980 6189.9   6.316                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

So, as a group, the three indicator variables add statistically significant predictive value at the 5% significance level, since the F test for those three variables has p = 0.042

33.3.6 Interpreting the Kitchen Sink Model

So, again, here’s our model.

ebmodel.1 <- lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + 
                    alcohol + education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

lm(formula = bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + alcohol + 
    education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

                         (Intercept)                                   age  
                            26.15391                              -0.04260  
                          gendermale                              employed  
                             0.29811                              -0.45761  
                             married                  alcoholheavy drinker  
                             0.09438                               0.25317  
alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker         education2 middle school grad  
                             0.14121                              -0.28862  
         education3 high school grad     education4 college grad or higher  
                            -0.50123                              -0.79862  

If we wanted to predict a BMI level for a new subject like the ones used in the development of this model, that prediction would be:

  • 26.15
  • minus 0.426 times the subject’s age
  • plus 0.298 if the subject’s gender was male
  • minus 0.458 if the subject’s employment status was employed
  • plus 0.253 if the subject’s alcohol classification was heavy drinker
  • plus 0.141 if the subject’s alcohol classification was normal drinker or non-drinker
  • minus 0.289 if the subject’s education classification was 2 middle school grad
  • minus 0.501 if the subject’s education classification was 3 high school grad
  • minus 0.799 if the subject’s education classification was 4 college grad or higher

33.4 Scatterplot Matrix with Categorical Predictors

Let’s look at a scatterplot matrix of a few key predictors, with my favorite approach (at least for quantitative predictors)…

ggpairs(emp_bmi_noNA %>% select(age, gender, employed, education, bmi))

33.5 Residual Plots when we have Categorical Predictors

Here are the main residual plots from the kitchen sink model ebmodel.1 defined previously.



Sometimes, in small samples, the categorical variables will make the regression residuals line up in somewhat strange patterns. But in this case, there’s no real problem. The use of categorical variables also has some impact on leverage, as it’s hard for a subject to be a serious outlier in terms of a predictor if that predictor only has a few possible levels.

33.6 Stepwise Regression and Categorical Predictors

When R does backwards elimination for stepwise model selection, it makes decisions about each categorical variable as in/out across all of the indicator variables simultaneously, as you’d hope.

Start:  AIC=1834.64
bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + alcohol + education

            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
- alcohol    2     3.629 6193.6 1831.2
- married    1     1.243 6191.2 1832.8
<none>                   6189.9 1834.6
- gender     1    13.660 6203.6 1834.8
- education  3    52.063 6242.0 1836.9
- employed   1    36.057 6226.0 1838.4
- age        1   100.976 6290.9 1848.7

Step:  AIC=1831.22
bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + education

            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
- married    1     1.026 6194.6 1829.4
<none>                   6193.6 1831.2
- gender     1    19.071 6212.6 1832.3
- education  3    51.934 6245.5 1833.5
- employed   1    34.736 6228.3 1834.8
- age        1   108.599 6302.2 1846.4

Step:  AIC=1829.39
bmi ~ age + gender + employed + education

            Df Sum of Sq    RSS    AIC
<none>                   6194.6 1829.4
- gender     1    22.169 6216.7 1830.9
- education  3    51.282 6245.9 1831.5
- employed   1    34.390 6229.0 1832.9
- age        1   125.431 6320.0 1847.2

lm(formula = bmi ~ age + gender + employed + education, data = emp_bmi_noNA)

                      (Intercept)                                age  
                         26.50206                           -0.04459  
                       gendermale                           employed  
                          0.34057                           -0.44571  
    education2 middle school grad        education3 high school grad  
                         -0.28787                           -0.49772  
education4 college grad or higher  

Note that the stepwise approach first drops two degrees of freedom (two indicator variables) for alcohol and then drops the one degree of freedom for married before it settles on a model with age, gender, education and employed.

33.7 Pooling Results after Multiple Imputation

As mentioned earlier, having built a model using complete cases, we should probably investigate the impact of multiple imputation on the missing observations. We’ll fit 100 imputations using the emp_bmi data and then fit a pooled regression model across those imputations.

emp_bmi_mi <- mice(emp_bmi, m = 100, maxit = 5, 
                   printFlag = FALSE, seed = 4476)
Warning: Number of logged events: 3

Now, we’ll fit the pooled kitchen sink regression model to these imputed data sets and pool them.

model.empbmi.mi <- with(emp_bmi_mi, lm(bmi ~ age + gender + employed + married + 
                          alcohol + education))
                                   term    estimate  std.error  statistic
1                           (Intercept) 26.15264235 0.88035377 29.7069693
2                                   age -0.04257649 0.01063883 -4.0019893
3                            gendermale  0.29771567 0.20235080  1.4712849
4                              employed -0.45683748 0.19109736 -2.3906007
5                               married  0.09440409 0.21243805  0.4443841
6                  alcoholheavy drinker  0.25287293 0.40270585  0.6279346
7  alcoholnormal drinker or non-drinker  0.14106527 0.40341787  0.3496753
8         education2 middle school grad -0.28857465 0.23994471 -1.2026714
9           education3 high school grad -0.50085137 0.22138465 -2.2623582
10    education4 college grad or higher -0.79834801 0.30947194 -2.5797104
        df      p.value
1  979.908 0.000000e+00
2  979.908 6.754702e-05
3  979.908 1.415351e-01
4  979.908 1.700880e-02
5  979.908 6.568630e-01
6  979.908 5.301931e-01
7  979.908 7.266575e-01
8  979.908 2.293940e-01
9  979.908 2.389357e-02
10 979.908 1.003300e-02

OK. That’s it.