20  Logistic Regression with glm

20.1 R Setup Used Here

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)



20.1.1 Data Load

resect <- read_csv("data/resect.csv", show_col_types = FALSE) 

20.2 The resect data

My source for these data was Riffenburgh (2006). The data describe 134 patients who had undergone resection of the tracheal carina (most often this is done to address tumors in the trachea), and the resect.csv data file contains the following variables:

  • id = a patient ID #,
  • age= the patient’s age at surgery,
  • prior = prior tracheal surgery (1 = yes, 0 = no),
  • resection = extent of the resection (in cm),
  • intubated = whether intubation was required at the end of surgery (1 = yes, 0 = no), and
  • died = the patient’s death status (1 = dead, 0 = alive).
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  variable  n_miss pct_miss
  <chr>      <int>    <num>
1 subj_id        0        0
2 age            0        0
3 prior          0        0
4 resection      0        0
5 intubated      0        0
6 died           0        0
resect |> count(died, prior)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
   died prior     n
  <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1     0     0    89
2     0     1    28
3     1     0    11
4     1     1     6
resect |> inspect()

quantitative variables:  
       name   class min    Q1 median     Q3 max       mean         sd   n
1   subj_id numeric   1 34.25   67.5 100.75 134 67.5000000 38.8265373 134
2       age numeric   8 36.00   51.0  61.00  80 47.8432836 15.7775202 134
3     prior numeric   0  0.00    0.0   0.75   1  0.2537313  0.4367785 134
4 resection numeric   1  2.00    2.5   4.00   6  2.9634328  1.2402123 134
5 intubated numeric   0  0.00    0.0   0.00   1  0.1417910  0.3501447 134
6      died numeric   0  0.00    0.0   0.00   1  0.1268657  0.3340713 134
1       0
2       0
3       0
4       0
5       0
6       0

We have no missing data, and 17 of the 134 patients died. Our goal will be to understand the characteristics of the patients, and how they relate to the binary outcome of interest, death.

20.3 Running A Simple Logistic Regression Model

In the most common scenario, a logistic regression model is used to predict a binary outcome (which can take on the values 0 or 1.) We will eventually fit a logistic regression model in two ways.

  1. Through the glm function in the base package of R (similar to lm for linear regression)
  2. Through the lrm function available in the rms package (similar to ols for linear regression)

We’ll focus on the glm approach first, and save the lrm ideas for later in this Chapter.

20.3.1 Logistic Regression Can Be Harder than Linear Regression

  • Logistic regression models are fitted using the method of maximum likelihood in glm, which requires multiple iterations until convergence is reached.
  • Logistic regression models are harder to interpret (for most people) than linear regressions.
  • Logistic regression models don’t have the same set of assumptions as linear models.
  • Logistic regression outcomes (yes/no) carry much less information than quantitative outcomes. As a result, fitting a reasonable logistic regression requires more data than a linear model of similar size.
    • The rule I learned in graduate school was that a logistic regression requires 100 observations to fit an intercept plus another 15 observations for each candidate predictor. That’s not terrible, but it’s a very large sample size.
    • Frank Harrell recommends that 96 observations + a function of the number of candidate predictors (which depends on the amount of variation in the predictors, but 15 x the number of such predictors isn’t too bad if the signal to noise ratio is pretty good) are required just to get reasonable confidence intervals around your predictions.
      • In a twitter note, Frank suggests that 96 + 8 times the number of candidate parameters might be reasonable so long as the smallest cell of interest (combination of an outcome and a split of the covariates) is 96 or more observations.
    • Peduzzi et al. (1996) suggest that if we let \(\pi\) be the smaller of the proportions of “yes” or “no” cases in the population of interest, and k be the number of inputs under consideration, then \(N = 10k/\pi\) is the minimum number of cases to include, except that if N < 100 by this standard, you should increase it to 100, according to Long (1997).
      • That suggests that if you have an outcome that happens 10% of the time, and you are running a model with 3 predictors, then you could get away with \((10 \times 3)/(0.10) = 300\) observations, but if your outcome happened 40% of the time, you could get away with only \((10 \times 3)/(0.40) = 75\) observations, which you’d round up to 100.

20.4 Logistic Regression using glm

We’ll begin by attempting to predict death based on the extent of the resection.

res_modA <- glm(died ~ resection, data=resect, 


Call:  glm(formula = died ~ resection, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
    data = resect)

(Intercept)    resection  
    -4.4337       0.7417  

Degrees of Freedom: 133 Total (i.e. Null);  132 Residual
Null Deviance:      101.9 
Residual Deviance: 89.49    AIC: 93.49

Note that the logit link is the default approach with the binomial family, so we could also have used:

res_modA <- glm(died ~ resection, data = resect, 
                family = "binomial")

which yields the same model.

20.4.1 Interpreting the Coefficients of a Logistic Regression Model

Our model is:

\[ logit(died = 1) = log\left(\frac{Pr(died = 1)}{1 - Pr(died = 1)}\right) \]

\[ = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x = -4.4337 + 0.7417 \times resection \]

The predicted log odds of death for a subject with a resection of 4 cm is:

\[ log\left(\frac{Pr(died = 1)}{1 - Pr(died = 1)}\right) = -4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4 = -1.467 \]

The predicted odds of death for a subject with a resection of 4 cm is thus:

\[ \frac{Pr(died = 1)}{1 - Pr(died = 1)} = e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4} = e^{-1.467} = 0.2306 \]

Since the odds are less than 1, we should find that the probability of death is less than 1/2. With a little algebra, we see that the predicted probability of death for a subject with a resection of 4 cm is:

\[ Pr(died = 1) = \frac{e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4}}{1 + e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4}} = \frac{e^{-1.467}}{1 + e^{-1.467}} = \frac{0.2306}{1.2306} = 0.187 \]

In general, we can frame the model in terms of a statement about probabilities, like this:

\[ Pr(died = 1) = \frac{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x}}{1 + {e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x}}} = \frac{e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times resection}}{1 + e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times resection}} \]

and so by substituting in values for resection, we can estimate the model’s fitted probabilities of death.

20.4.2 Using predict to describe the model’s fits

To obtain these fitted odds and probabilities in R, we can use the predict function.

  • The default predictions are on the scale of the log odds. These predictions are also available through the type = "link" command within the predict function for a generalized linear model like logistic regression.
  • Here are the predicted log odds of death for a subject (Sally) with a 4 cm resection and a subject (Harry) who had a 5 cm resection.
predict(res_modA, newdata = tibble(resection = c(4,5)))
         1          2 
-1.4669912 -0.7253027 
  • We can also obtain predictions for each subject on the original response (here, probability) scale, backing out of the logit link.
predict(res_modA, newdata = tibble(resection = c(4, 5)), 
        type = "response")
        1         2 
0.1874004 0.3262264 

So the predicted probability of death is 0.187 for Sally, the subject with a 4 cm resection, and 0.326 for Harry, the subject with a 5 cm resection.

20.4.3 Odds Ratio interpretation of Coefficients

Often, we will exponentiate the estimated slope coefficients of a logistic regression model to help us understand the impact of changing a predictor on the odds of our outcome.

(Intercept)   resection 
 0.01186995  2.09947754 

To interpret this finding, suppose we have two subjects, Harry and Sally. Harry had a resection that was 1 cm larger than Sally. This estimated coefficient suggests that the estimated odds for death associated with Harry is 2.099 times larger than the odds for death associated with Sally. In general, the odds ratio comparing two subjects who differ by 1 cm on the resection length is 2.099.

To illustrate, again let’s assume that Harry’s resection was 5 cm, and Sally’s was 4 cm. Then we have:

\[ log\left(\frac{Pr(Harry died)}{1 - Pr(Harry died)}\right) = -4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 5 = -0.7253 \]

\[ log\left(\frac{Pr(Sally died)}{1 - Pr(Sally died)}\right) = -4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4 = -1.4667. \]

which implies that our estimated odds of death for Harry and Sally are:

\[ Odds(Harry died) = \frac{Pr(Harry died)}{1 - Pr(Harry died)} = e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 5} = e^{-0.7253} = 0.4842 \]

\[ Odds(Sally died) = \frac{Pr(Sally died)}{1 - Pr(Sally died)} = e^{-4.4337 + 0.7417 \times 4} = e^{-1.4667} = 0.2307 \]

and so the odds ratio is:

\[ OR = \frac{Odds(Harry died)}{Odds(Sally died)} = \frac{0.4842}{0.2307} = 2.099 \]

  • If the odds ratio was 1, that would mean that Harry and Sally had the same estimated odds of death, and thus the same estimated probability of death, despite having different sizes of resections.
  • Since the odds ratio is greater than 1, it means that Harry has a higher estimated odds of death than Sally, and thus that Harry has a higher estimated probability of death than Sally.
  • If the odds ratio was less than 1, it would mean that Harry had a lower estimated odds of death than Sally, and thus that Harry had a lower estimated probability of death than Sally.

Remember that the odds ratio is a fraction describing two positive numbers (odds can only be non-negative) so that the smallest possible odds ratio is 0.

20.4.4 Interpreting the rest of the model output from glm


Call:  glm(formula = died ~ resection, family = "binomial", data = resect)

(Intercept)    resection  
    -4.4337       0.7417  

Degrees of Freedom: 133 Total (i.e. Null);  132 Residual
Null Deviance:      101.9 
Residual Deviance: 89.49    AIC: 93.49

In addition to specifying the logistic regression coefficients, we are also presented with information on degrees of freedom, deviance (null and residual) and AIC.

  • The degrees of freedom indicate the sample size.
    • Recall that we had n = 134 subjects in the data. The “Null” model includes only an intercept term (which uses 1 df) and we thus have n - 1 (here 133) degrees of freedom available for estimation.
    • In our res_modA model, a logistic regression is fit including a single slope (resection) and an intercept term. Each uses up one degree of freedom to build an estimate, so we have n - 2 = 134 - 2 = 132 residual df remaining.
  • The AIC or Akaike Information Criterion (lower values are better) is also provided. This is helpful if we’re comparing multiple models for the same outcome.

20.4.5 Deviance and Comparing Our Model to the Null Model

  • The deviance (a measure of the model’s lack of fit) is available for both the null model (the model with only an intercept) and for our model (res_modA) predicting our outcome, mortality.
  • The deviance test, though available in R (see below) isn’t really a test of whether the model works well. Instead, it assumes the model is true, and then tests to see if the coefficients are different from zero. So it isn’t of much practical use.
    • To compare the deviance statistics, we can subtract the residual deviance from the null deviance to describe the impact of our model on fit.
    • Null Deviance - Residual Deviance can be compared to a \(\chi^2\) distribution with Null DF - Residual DF degrees of freedom to obtain a global test of the in-sample predictive power of our model.
    • We can see this comparison more directly by running anova on our model:
anova(res_modA, test = "LRT")
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model: binomial, link: logit

Response: died

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

          Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev  Pr(>Chi)    
NULL                        133    101.943              
resection  1    12.45       132     89.493 0.0004179 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The test = "LRT" section completes a deviance test and provides a p value, which just estimates the probability that a chi-square distribution with a single degree of freedom would exhibit an improvement in deviance as large as 12.45.

The p value for the deviance test here is about 0.0004. But, again, this isn’t a test of whether the model is any good - it assumes the model is true, and then tests some consequences.

  • Specifically, it tests whether (if the model is TRUE) some of the model’s coefficients are non-zero.
  • That’s not so practically useful, so I discourage you from performing global tests of a logistic regression model with a deviance test.

20.4.6 Using glance with a logistic regression model

We can use the glance function from the broom package to obtain the null and residual deviance and degrees of freedom. Note that the deviance for our model is related to the log likelihood by -2*logLik.

# A tibble: 1 × 8
  null.deviance df.null logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual  nobs
          <dbl>   <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int> <int>
1          102.     133  -44.7  93.5  99.3     89.5         132   134

The glance result also provides the AIC, and the BIC (Bayes Information Criterion), each of which is helpful in understanding comparisons between multiple models for the same outcome (with smaller values of either criterion indicating better models.) The AIC is based on the deviance, but penalizes you for making the model more complicated. The BIC does the same sort of thing but with a different penalty.

Again we see that we have a null deviance of 101.94 on 133 degrees of freedom. Including the resection information in the model decreased the deviance to 89.49 points on 132 degrees of freedom, so that’s a decrease of 12.45 points while using one degree of freedom, which looks like a meaningful reduction in deviance.

20.5 Interpreting the Model Summary

Let’s get a more detailed summary of our res_modA model, including 95% confidence intervals for the coefficients:


glm(formula = died ~ resection, family = "binomial", data = resect)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  -4.4337     0.8799  -5.039 4.67e-07 ***
resection     0.7417     0.2230   3.327 0.000879 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 101.943  on 133  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  89.493  on 132  degrees of freedom
AIC: 93.493

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
confint(res_modA, level = 0.95)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
                2.5 %    97.5 %
(Intercept) -6.344472 -2.855856
resection    0.322898  1.208311

Some elements of this summary are very familiar from our work with linear models.

  • We still have a five-number summary of residuals, although these are called deviance residuals.
  • We have a table of coefficients with standard errors, and hypothesis tests, although these are Wald z-tests, rather than the t tests we saw in linear modeling.
  • We have a summary of global fit in the comparison of null deviance and residual deviance, but without a formal p value. And we have the AIC, as discussed above.
  • We also have some new items related to a dispersion parameter and to the number of Fisher Scoring Iterations.

Let’s walk through each of these elements.

20.5.1 Wald Z tests for Coefficients in a Logistic Regression

The coefficients output provides the estimated coefficients, and their standard errors, plus a Wald Z statistic, which is just the estimated coefficient divided by its standard error. This is compared to a standard Normal distribution to obtain the two-tailed p values summarized in the Pr(>|z|) column.

  • The interesting result is resection, which has a Wald Z = 3.327, yielding a p value of 0.00088.
  • The p value assesses whether the estimated coefficient of resection, 0.7417, is different from 0. If the coefficient (on the logit scale) for resection was truly 0, this would mean that:
    • the log odds of death did not change based on the resection size,
    • the odds of death were unchanged based on the resection size (the odds ratio would be 1), and
    • the probability of death was unchanged based on the resection size.

In our case, we have a change in the log odds of died associated with changes in resection, according to this p value. We conclude that resection size is associated with a positive impact on death rates (death rates are generally higher for people with larger resections.)

20.5.2 Confidence Intervals for the Coefficients

As in linear regression, we can obtain 95% confidence intervals (to get other levels, change the level parameter in confint) for the intercept and slope coefficients.

Here, we see, for example, that the coefficient of resection has a point estimate of 0.7417, and a confidence interval of (0.3229, 1.208). Since this is on the logit scale, it’s not that interpretable, but we will often exponentiate the model and its confidence interval to obtain a more interpretable result on the odds ratio scale.

tidy(res_modA, exponentiate = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE) |>
  select(term, estimate, conf.low, conf.high)
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  term        estimate conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   0.0119  0.00176    0.0575
2 resection     2.10    1.38       3.35  

From this output, we can estimate the odds ratio for death associated with a 1 cm increase in resection size is 2.099, with a 95% CI of (1.38, 3.35). - If the odds ratio was 1, it would indicate that the odds of death did not change based on the change in resection size. - Here, it’s clear that the estimated odds of death will be larger (odds > 1) for subjects with larger resection sizes. Larger odds of death also indicate larger probabilities of death. This confidence interval indicates that with 95% confidence, we conclude that increases in resection size are associated with increases in the odds of death. - If the odds ratio was less than 1 (remember that it cannot be less than 0) that would mean that subjects with larger resection sizes were associated with smaller estimated odds of death.

20.5.3 Deviance Residuals

In logistic regression, it’s certainly a good idea to check to see how well the model fits the data. However, there are a few different types of residuals. The residuals presented here by default are called deviance residuals. Other types of residuals are available for generalized linear models, such as Pearson residuals, working residuals, and response residuals. Logistic regression model diagnostics often make use of multiple types of residuals.

The deviance residuals for each individual subject sum up to the deviance statistic for the model, and describe the contribution of each point to the model likelihood function.

The deviance residual, \(d_i\), for the ith observation in a model predicting \(y_i\) (a binary variable), with the estimate being \(\hat{\pi}_i\) is:

\[ d_i = s_i \sqrt{-2 [y_i log \hat{\pi_i} + (1 - y_i) log(1 - \hat{\pi_i})]}, \]

where \(s_i\) is 1 if \(y_i = 1\) and \(s_i = -1\) if \(y_i = 0\).

Again, the sum of the deviance residuals is the deviance.

20.5.4 Dispersion Parameter

The dispersion parameter is taken to be 1 for glm fit using either the binomial or Poisson families. For other sorts of generalized linear models, the dispersion parameter will be of some importance in estimating standard errors sensibly.

20.5.5 Fisher Scoring iterations

The solution of a logistic regression model involves maximizing a likelihood function. Fisher’s scoring algorithm in our res_modA needed five iterations to perform the logistic regression fit. All that this tells you is that the model converged, and didn’t require a lot of time to do so.

20.6 Plotting a Simple Logistic Regression Model

Let’s plot the logistic regression model res_modA for died using the extent of the resection in terms of probabilities. We can use either of two different approaches:

  • we can plot the fitted values from our specific model against the original data, using the augment function from the broom package, or
  • we can create a smooth function called binomial_smooth that plots a simple logistic model in an analogous way to geom_smooth(method = "lm") for a simple linear regression.

20.6.1 Using augment to capture the fitted probabilities

res_A_aug <- augment(res_modA, resect, 
                     type.predict = "response")
# A tibble: 6 × 12
  subj_id   age prior resection intubated  died .fitted .resid    .hat .sigma
    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1       1    34     1       2.5         0     0  0.0705 -0.382 0.0100   0.826
2       2    57     0       5           0     0  0.326  -0.889 0.0337   0.823
3       3    60     1       4           1     1  0.187   1.83  0.0120   0.811
4       4    62     1       4.2         0     0  0.211  -0.689 0.0143   0.824
5       5    28     0       6           1     1  0.504   1.17  0.0818   0.820
6       6    52     0       3           0     0  0.0990 -0.457 0.00922  0.826
# ℹ 2 more variables: .cooksd <dbl>, .std.resid <dbl>

This approach augments the resect data set with fitted, residual and other summaries of each observation’s impact on the fit, using the “response” type of prediction, which yields the fitted probabilities in the .fitted column.

20.6.2 Plotting a Logistic Regression Model’s Fitted Values

ggplot(res_A_aug, aes(x = resection, y = died)) +
    geom_jitter(height = 0.05) +
    geom_line(aes(x = resection, y = .fitted), 
              col = "blue") +
    labs(title = "Logistic Regression from Model res_modA")

20.6.3 Plotting a Simple Logistic Model using binomial_smooth

binomial_smooth <- function(...) {
  geom_smooth(method = "glm", formula = y ~ x,
              method.args = list(family = "binomial"), ...)

ggplot(resect, aes(x = resection, y = died)) +
  geom_jitter(height = 0.05) +
  binomial_smooth() + ## ...smooth(se=FALSE) to leave out interval
  labs(title = "Logistic Regression from Model A") 

As expected, we see an increase in the model probability of death as the extent of the resection grows larger.

20.7 How well does Model A classify subjects?

A natural question to ask is how well does our model classify patients in terms of likelihood of death.

We could specify a particular rule, for example: if the predicted probability of death is 0.5 or greater, then predict “Died”.

res_A_aug$rule.5 <- ifelse(res_A_aug$.fitted >= 0.5, 
                       "Predict Died", "Predict Alive")

table(res_A_aug$rule.5, res_A_aug$died)
                  0   1
  Predict Alive 114  16
  Predict Died    3   1

And perhaps build the linked table of row probabilities which tells us, for example, that 87.69% of the patients predicted by the model to be alive actually did survive.

    table(res_A_aug$rule.5, res_A_aug$died), 1), 2)
                    0     1
  Predict Alive 87.69 12.31
  Predict Died  75.00 25.00

Or the table of column probabilities which tell us, for example, that 97.44% of those who actually survived were predicted by the model to be alive.

    table(res_A_aug$rule.5, res_A_aug$died), 2), 2)
                    0     1
  Predict Alive 97.44 94.12
  Predict Died   2.56  5.88

We’ll discuss various measures of concordance derived from this sort of classification later.

20.8 The Confusion Matrix

Let’s build this misclassification table in standard epidemiological format.

res_A_aug <- res_A_aug |>
  mutate(death_predicted = factor(.fitted >= 0.5),
         death_actual = factor(died == "1"),
         death_predicted = fct_relevel(death_predicted, "TRUE"),
         death_actual = fct_relevel(death_actual, "TRUE")) 

confuseA_small <- table(res_A_aug$death_predicted, res_A_aug$death_actual)

        TRUE FALSE
  TRUE     1     3
  FALSE   16   114

In total, we have 134 observations.

  • 115 correct predictions, or 85.8% accuracy
  • 17 subjects who died, or 12.6% prevalence of death
  • 4 subjects who were predicted to die, or 3.0% detection prevalence.

The sensitivity (also called recall) here is 1 / (1 + 16) = 5.9%.

  • 5.9% of the subjects who actually died were predicted to die by the model.

The specificity here is 114 / (114 + 3) = 97.4%.

  • 97.4% of the subjects who actually survived were predicted to survive by the model.

The positive predictive value (PPV: also called precision) is 1 / (1 + 3) = 25%

  • Our predictions of death were correct 25% of the time.

The negative predictive value (NPV) is 114 / (114 + 16) = 87.7%

  • Our predictions of survival were correct 87.7% of the time.

20.9 Using the confusionMatrix tool from the caret package

This provides a more detailed summary of the classification results from our logistic regression model.

    data = factor(res_A_aug$.fitted >= 0.5),
    reference = factor(res_A_aug$died == 1),
    positive = "TRUE"
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   114   16
     TRUE      3    1
               Accuracy : 0.8582          
                 95% CI : (0.7875, 0.9124)
    No Information Rate : 0.8731          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.747802        
                  Kappa : 0.0493          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.005905        
            Sensitivity : 0.058824        
            Specificity : 0.974359        
         Pos Pred Value : 0.250000        
         Neg Pred Value : 0.876923        
             Prevalence : 0.126866        
         Detection Rate : 0.007463        
   Detection Prevalence : 0.029851        
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.516591        
       'Positive' Class : TRUE            
  • The No Information Rate or NIR is just the percentage of correct predictions we’d get if we just predicted the more common classification (not dead) for every subject.
  • Kappa is a correlation statistic ranging from -1 to +1. It measures the inter-rater reliability of our predictions and the true classifications, in this context. Complete agreement would be +1, and complete disagreement would be -1.

20.10 Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analysis

One way to assess the predictive accuracy within the model development sample in a logistic regression is to consider an analyses based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. ROC curves are commonly used in assessing diagnoses in medical settings, and in signal detection applications.

The accuracy of a “test” can be evaluated by considering two types of errors: false positives and false negatives.

In our res_modA model, we use resection size to predict whether the patient died. Suppose we established a value R, so that if the resection size was larger than R cm, we would predict that the patient died, and otherwise we would predict that the patient did not die.

A good outcome of our model’s “test”, then, would be when the resection size is larger than R for a patient who actually died. Another good outcome would be when the resection size is smaller than R for a patient who survived.

But we can make errors, too.

  • A false positive error in this setting would occur when the resection size is larger than R (so we predict the patient dies) but in fact the patient does not die.
  • A false negative error in this case would occur when the resection size is smaller than R (so we predict the patient survives) but in fact the patient dies.

Formally, the true positive fraction (TPF) for a specific resection cutoff \(R\), is the probability of a positive test (a prediction that the patient will die) among the people who have the outcome died = 1 (those who actually die).

\[ TPF(R) = Pr(resection > R | subject died) \]

Similarly, the false positive fraction (FPF) for a specific cutoff \(R\) is the probability of a positive test (prediction that the patient will die) among the people with died = 0 (those who don’t actually die)

\[ FPF(R) = Pr(resection > R | subject did not die) \]

The True Positive Rate is referred to as the sensitivity of a diagnostic test, and the True Negative rate (1 - the False Positive rate) is referred to as the specificity of a diagnostic test.

Since the cutoff \(R\) is not fixed in advanced, we can plot the value of TPF (on the y axis) against FPF (on the x axis) for all possible values of \(R\), and this is what the ROC curve is. Others refer to the Sensitivity on the Y axis, and 1-Specificity on the X axis, and this is the same idea.

Before we get too far into the weeds, let me show you some simple situations so you can understand what you might learn from the ROC curve. The web page http://blog.yhat.com/posts/roc-curves.html provides source materials.

20.10.1 Interpreting the Area under the ROC curve

The AUC or Area under the ROC curve is the amount of space underneath the ROC curve. Often referred to as the c statistic, the AUC represents the quality of your TPR and FPR overall in a single number. The C statistic ranges from 0 to 1, with C = 0.5 for a prediction that is no better than random guessing, and C = 1 for a perfect prediction model.

Next, I’ll build a simulation to demonstrate several possible ROC curves in the sections that follow.

sim.temp <- tibble(x = rnorm(n = 200), 
                   prob = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)), 
                   y = as.numeric(1 * runif(200) < prob))

sim.temp <- sim.temp |>
    mutate(p_guess = 1,
           p_perfect = y, 
           p_bad = exp(-2*x) / (1 + exp(-2*x)),
           p_ok = prob + (1-y)*runif(1, 0, 0.05),
           p_good = prob + y*runif(1, 0, 0.27)) What if we are guessing?

If we’re guessing completely at random, then the model should correctly classify a subject (as died or not died) about 50% of the time, so the TPR and FPR will be equal. This yields a diagonal line in the ROC curve, and an area under the curve (C statistic) of 0.5.

There are several ways to do this on the web, but I’ll show this one, which has some bizarre code, but that’s a function of using a package called ROCR to do the work. It comes from this link

pred_guess <- prediction(sim.temp$p_guess, sim.temp$y)
perf_guess <- performance(pred_guess, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc_guess <- performance(pred_guess, measure="auc")

auc_guess <- round(auc_guess@y.values[[1]],3)
roc_guess <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf_guess@x.values),

ggplot(roc_guess, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    labs(title = paste0("Guessing: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc_guess)) +
    theme_bw() What if we classify things perfectly?

If we’re classifying subjects perfectly, then we have a TPR of 1 and an FPR of 0. That yields an ROC curve that looks like the upper and left edges of a box. If our model correctly classifies a subject (as died or not died) 100% of the time, the area under the curve (c statistic) will be 1.0. We’ll add in the diagonal line here (in a dashed black line) to show how this model compares to random guessing.

pred_perf <- prediction(sim.temp$p_perfect, sim.temp$y)
perf_perf <- performance(pred_perf, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc_perf <- performance(pred_perf, measure="auc")

auc_perf <- round(auc_perf@y.values[[1]],3)
roc_perf <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf_perf@x.values),

ggplot(roc_perf, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("Perfect Prediction: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc_perf)) +
    theme_bw() What does “worse than guessing” look like?

A bad classifier will appear below and to the right of the diagonal line we’d see if we were completely guessing. Such a model will have a c statistic below 0.5, and will be valueless.

pred_bad <- prediction(sim.temp$p_bad, sim.temp$y)
perf_bad <- performance(pred_bad, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc_bad <- performance(pred_bad, measure="auc")

auc_bad <- round(auc_bad@y.values[[1]],3)
roc_bad <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf_bad@x.values),

ggplot(roc_bad, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("A Bad Model: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc_bad)) +
    theme_bw() What does “better than guessing” look like?

An “OK” classifier will appear above and to the left of the diagonal line we’d see if we were completely guessing. Such a model will have a c statistic above 0.5, and might have some value. The plot below shows a very fairly poor model, but at least it’s better than guessing.

pred_ok <- prediction(sim.temp$p_ok, sim.temp$y)
perf_ok <- performance(pred_ok, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc_ok <- performance(pred_ok, measure="auc")

auc_ok <- round(auc_ok@y.values[[1]],3)
roc_ok <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf_ok@x.values),

ggplot(roc_ok, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("A Mediocre Model: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc_ok)) +

Sometimes people grasp for a rough guide as to the accuracy of a model’s predictions based on the area under the ROC curve. A common thought is to assess the C statistic much like you would a class grade.

C statistic Interpretation
0.90 to 1.00 model does an excellent job at discriminating “yes” from “no” (A)
0.80 to 0.90 model does a good job (B)
0.70 to 0.80 model does a fair job (C)
0.60 to 0.70 model does a poor job (D)
0.50 to 0.60 model fails (F)
below 0.50 model is worse than random guessing What does “pretty good” look like?

A strong and good classifier will appear above and to the left of the diagonal line we’d see if we were completely guessing, often with a nice curve that is continually increasing and appears to be pulled up towards the top left. Such a model will have a c statistic well above 0.5, but not as large as 1. The plot below shows a stronger model, which appears substantially better than guessing.

pred_good <- prediction(sim.temp$p_good, sim.temp$y)
perf_good <- performance(pred_good, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc_good <- performance(pred_good, measure="auc")

auc_good <- round(auc_good@y.values[[1]],3)
roc_good <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf_good@x.values),

ggplot(roc_good, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("A Pretty Good Model: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc_good)) +

20.11 The ROC Plot for res_modA

Let me show you the ROC curve for our res_modA model.

## requires ROCR package
prob <- predict(res_modA, resect, type="response")
pred <- prediction(prob, resect$died)
perf <- performance(pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc <- performance(pred, measure="auc")

auc <- round(auc@y.values[[1]],3)
roc.data <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf@x.values),

ggplot(roc.data, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc)) +

Based on the C statistic (AUC = 0.771) this would rank somewhere near the high end of a “fair” predictive model by this standard, not quite to the level of a “good” model.

20.11.1 Another way to plot the ROC Curve

If we’ve loaded the pROC package, we can also use the following (admittedly simpler) approach to plot the ROC curve, without ggplot2, and to obtain the C statistic, and a 95% confidence interval around that C statistic.

## requires pROC package
roc.modA <- 
    roc(resect$died ~ predict(res_modA, type="response"),
        ci = TRUE)
Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
Setting direction: controls < cases

roc.formula(formula = resect$died ~ predict(res_modA, type = "response"),     ci = TRUE)

Data: predict(res_modA, type = "response") in 117 controls (resect$died 0) < 17 cases (resect$died 1).
Area under the curve: 0.7707
95% CI: 0.67-0.8715 (DeLong)

20.12 Assessing Residual Plots from Model A

Residuals are certainly less informative for logistic regression than they are for linear regression: not only do yes/no outcomes inherently contain less information than continuous ones, but the fact that the adjusted response depends on the fit hampers our ability to use residuals as external checks on the model.

This is mitigated to some extent, however, by the fact that we are also making fewer distributional assumptions in logistic regression, so there is no need to inspect residuals for, say, skewness or heteroskedasticity.

  • Patrick Breheny, University of Kentucky, Slides on GLM Residuals and Diagnostics (no longer online, alas.)

The usual residual plots are available in R for a logistic regression model, but most of them are irrelevant in the logistic regression setting. The residuals shouldn’t follow a standard Normal distribution, and they will not show constant variance over the range of the predictor variables, so plots looking into those issues aren’t helpful.

The only plot from the standard set that we’ll look at in many settings is plot 5, which helps us assess influence (via Cook’s distance contours), and a measure related to leverage (how unusual an observation is in terms of the predictors) and standardized Pearson residuals.

plot(res_modA, which = 5)

In this case, I don’t see any highly influential points, as no points fall outside of the Cook’s distance (0.5 or 1) contours.

20.13 Model B: A “Kitchen Sink” Logistic Regression Model

res_modB <- glm(died ~ resection + age + prior + intubated,
               data = resect, family = binomial)


Call:  glm(formula = died ~ resection + age + prior + intubated, family = binomial, 
    data = resect)

(Intercept)    resection          age        prior    intubated  
  -5.152886     0.612211     0.001173     0.814691     2.810797  

Degrees of Freedom: 133 Total (i.e. Null);  129 Residual
Null Deviance:      101.9 
Residual Deviance: 67.36    AIC: 77.36

20.13.1 Comparing Model A to Model B

anova(res_modA, res_modB)
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: died ~ resection
Model 2: died ~ resection + age + prior + intubated
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance
1       132     89.493            
2       129     67.359  3   22.134

The addition of age, prior and intubated reduces the lack of fit by 22.134 points, at a cost of 3 degrees of freedom.

# A tibble: 1 × 8
  null.deviance df.null logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual  nobs
          <dbl>   <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int> <int>
1          102.     133  -44.7  93.5  99.3     89.5         132   134
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  null.deviance df.null logLik   AIC   BIC deviance df.residual  nobs
          <dbl>   <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <int> <int>
1          102.     133  -33.7  77.4  91.8     67.4         129   134

By either AIC or BIC, the larger model (res_modB) looks more effective.

20.13.2 Interpreting Model B


glm(formula = died ~ resection + age + prior + intubated, family = binomial, 
    data = resect)

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -5.152886   1.469453  -3.507 0.000454 ***
resection    0.612211   0.282807   2.165 0.030406 *  
age          0.001173   0.020646   0.057 0.954700    
prior        0.814691   0.704785   1.156 0.247705    
intubated    2.810797   0.658395   4.269 1.96e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 101.943  on 133  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  67.359  on 129  degrees of freedom
AIC: 77.359

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

It appears that the intubated predictor adds some value to the model, by the Wald test.

Let’s focus on the impact of these variables through odds ratios.

tidy(res_modB, exponentiate = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE) |>
  select(term, estimate, conf.low, conf.high)
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  term        estimate conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)  0.00578 0.000241    0.0837
2 resection    1.84    1.08        3.35  
3 age          1.00    0.962       1.04  
4 prior        2.26    0.549       9.17  
5 intubated   16.6     4.75       64.6   

At a 5% significance level, we might conclude that:

  • larger sized resections are associated with a meaningful rise (est OR: 1.84, 95% CI 1.08, 3.35) in the odds of death, holding all other predictors constant,
  • the need for intubation at the end of surgery is associated with a substantial rise (est OR: 16.6, 95% CI 4.7, 64.7) in the odds of death, holding all other predictors constant, but that
  • older age as well as having a prior tracheal surgery appears to be associated with an increase in death risk, but not with a small p value.

20.14 Plotting Model B

Let’s think about plotting the fitted values from our model, in terms of probabilities.

20.14.1 Using augment to capture the fitted probabilities

res_B_aug <- augment(res_modB, resect, 
                     type.predict = "response")
# A tibble: 6 × 12
  subj_id   age prior resection intubated  died .fitted .resid   .hat .sigma
    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1       1    34     1       2.5         0     0  0.0591 -0.349 0.0267  0.725
2       2    57     0       5           0     0  0.117  -0.498 0.0380  0.724
3       3    60     1       4           1     1  0.729   0.794 0.114   0.722
4       4    62     1       4.2         0     0  0.155  -0.581 0.0704  0.723
5       5    28     0       6           1     1  0.796   0.675 0.131   0.723
6       6    52     0       3           0     0  0.0371 -0.275 0.0105  0.725
# ℹ 2 more variables: .cooksd <dbl>, .std.resid <dbl>

20.14.2 Plotting Model B Fits by Observed Mortality

ggplot(res_B_aug, aes(x = factor(died), y = .fitted, col = factor(died))) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    geom_jitter(width = 0.1) + 
    guides(col = "none")

Certainly it appears as though most of our predicted probabilities (of death) for the subjects who actually survived are quite small, but not all of them. We also have at least 6 big “misses” among the 17 subjects who actually died.

20.14.3 Confusion Matrix for Model B

    data = factor(res_B_aug$.fitted >= 0.5),
    reference = factor(res_B_aug$died == 1),
    positive = "TRUE"
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   113    6
     TRUE      4   11
               Accuracy : 0.9254         
                 95% CI : (0.867, 0.9636)
    No Information Rate : 0.8731         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.03897        
                  Kappa : 0.6453         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.75183        
            Sensitivity : 0.64706        
            Specificity : 0.96581        
         Pos Pred Value : 0.73333        
         Neg Pred Value : 0.94958        
             Prevalence : 0.12687        
         Detection Rate : 0.08209        
   Detection Prevalence : 0.11194        
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.80644        
       'Positive' Class : TRUE           

20.14.4 The ROC curve for Model B

## requires ROCR package
prob <- predict(res_modB, resect, type="response")
pred <- prediction(prob, resect$died)
perf <- performance(pred, measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr")
auc <- performance(pred, measure="auc")

auc <- round(auc@y.values[[1]],3)
roc.data <- data.frame(fpr=unlist(perf@x.values),

ggplot(roc.data, aes(x=fpr, ymin=0, ymax=tpr)) +
    geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, fill = "blue") +
    geom_line(aes(y=tpr), col = "blue") +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, lty = "dashed") +
    labs(title = paste0("Model B: ROC Curve w/ AUC=", auc)) +

The area under the curve (C-statistic) is 0.86, which certainly looks like a more discriminating fit than model A with resection alone.

20.14.5 Residuals, Leverage and Influence

plot(res_modB, which = 5)

Again, we see no signs of deeply influential points in this model.

We’ll continue working with these resect data as we fit logistic regression models with the help of the rms package in our next Chapter.