Appendix D — Data Sets Used in this Book

D.1 Data Sets Provided on our Web Site

See the repository at

Data Set File Type Loaded Source
bloodlead .csv Comma-separated text Section 5.2 J. Statistics Education
bodyfat .csv Comma-separated text Section 20.2 Kaggle
BPX_I .xpt SAS transport file Section 8.2 NHANES 2015-16
cbaths .txt Tab-delimited text Section 9.2 Data and Story Library
cle_nbd .csv Comma-separated text Section 4.2 Census Reporter & NEOCANDO
coasters .csv Comma-separated text Section 11.2 Roller Coaster Data Base
countries .csv Comma-separated text Section 22.2 WHO and others
craters .sav SPSS data set Section 12.2 Data and Story Library
darwin .Rds R data set Section 7.2 UC Irvine Repository
DEMO_I .xpt SAS transport file Section 8.2 NHANES 2015-16
fev_ros .csv Comma-separated text Section 19.2 Vanderbilt Data
nations .csv Comma-separated text Section 17.2 WHO and others
nnyfs .Rds R data set Section 23.2 NNYFS at CDC
park_rct .xlsx Excel worksheet Section 6.3 NEJM article
plasma .csv Comma-separated text Section 21.2 Vanderbilt Data
storage .Rds R data set Section 10.2 Cleveland Clinic
supraclav .dta Stata data set Section 16.2 Cleveland Clinic
tattoos .txt Tab-delimited text Section 14.2 Data and Story Library

D.2 Data Sets imported from R Packages

Data Set R Package Loaded HTML Link
bechdel fivethirtyeight Section C.1 Analysis using the Tidyverse
childcare_costs tidytuesdayR Section 18.2 Github for Tidy Tuesday 2023-05-09
counties tidytuesdayR Section 18.2 Github for Tidy Tuesday 2023-05-09
penguins palmerpenguins Section 2.2 palmerpenguins
strep_tb medicaldata Section 13.2 medicaldata